Okay, so last year the #RockMyTBR challenge was the ONLY one that I actually completed! Over-achieved at, actually, since I ended up reading 16 books off my shelves instead of just 12. *pats herself on the back* I am actually super pleased about this.
However... in the meantime, I'm afraid that some more books have joined my shelves. (Shocking, isn't it?) So, I am going to join in with the 2017 #RockMyTBR challenge! It is once again hosted by Sarah K from The YA Book Traveler.
The challenge: read a book a month that has already been published. I'm just going to count books that are already physically on my shelves (or e-books I have).
You can use the hashtag #RockMyTBR to tweet about the challenge, and updating monthly about your progress on Twitter/your blog/a vlog/etc. is encouraged.
Sarah suggests making a list of books you hope to read for the challenge, to see if anyone else wants to buddy-read them with you, so here goes:
- The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (If there is ANYONE left on this planet who still has not read this book, and wants to, let me know so that a) I don't feel so alone and b) we might work out a buddy-read thing.)
- Where I Want to Be by Adele Griffin
- Split by Swati Avasthi
- Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
- Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran
- In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters
- The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen
- More Than This by Patrick Ness
- This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers
- Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriott
- A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge
- Outpost by Ann Aguirre
- Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
If you're doing the challenge and any of these are also on your list, let me know!!
If you'd like to join in the fun, you can read all the details and link up your blog post here on Sarah's blog.

Great job at reading 16 last year! * throws confetti*. Good luck to you again this year and thanks for joining ^_^