February 21, 2011

A Cornucopia of Dystopia!

Casey from The Bookish Type and I have been planning this blogging event for a while now, so I am really excited to announce that from March 21 to April 18 we will be co-hosting "A Cornucopia of Dystopia"!

A Tapestry of Words
Thanks so much to Andrea from Loud Words and Sounds for this gorgeous button!

I know there are tons of bloggers out there who have been eagerly anticipating (and happily devouring) several 2011 dystopian YA releases. We wanted to host an event featuring these books, so we've put together a jam-packed schedule full of reviews, author interviews, cover redesign contests and giveaways! The books being featured are Delirium by Lauren Oliver, Wither by Lauren DeStefano, XVI by Julia Karr, Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky, Dark Parties by Sara Grant, Memento Nora by Angie Smibert, Possession by Elana Johnson, and Bumped by Megan McCafferty.

The blogs participating are:

Midnight Bloom Reads
I Swim For Oceans
Down the Rabbit Hole
Musings of a YA Reader
Reading Teen
Supernatural Snark
Good Choice Reading
365 Days of Reading
Books Are A Girl's Best Friend
Brandiheather's Reviews
Loud Words and Sounds
Books, Sweets and Other Treats 
Literary Explorations
The Book Worms
Books in the Spotlight
The Bookish Type
A Tapestry of Words 

Here's what the schedule's looking like at the moment (it is subject to change so please check my blog or Casey's for the latest version):

                  21 – Books Are A Girl's Best Friend Bumped Interview, The Bookish Type Memento Nora Review & Interview
                  22 – I Swim For Oceans Awaken Review & Interview, The Book Worms XVI Review & Interview
                  23 – A Writer’s Review Bumped Review, Musings of a YA Reader Memento Nora Review & Interview
                  24 – Books in the Spotlight Delirium Review, Supernatural Snark Possession Review, Reading Teen Wither Review
                  25 – Down the Rabbit Hole Bumped Review & Interview, Supernatural Snark Possession Interview
                  26 – Musings of a YA Reader Awaken Interview, Books in the Spotlight Dark Parties Review
                  27 – Midnight Bloom Reads Awaken Review, The Bookish Type Delirium Review, BSAOT XVI Interview
                  28 – Midnight Bloom Reads Awaken Interview, A Tapestry of Words Dark Parties Playlist
                  29 – Supernatural Snark Memento Nora Review & Interview, Reading Teen Possession Interview
                  30 – 365 Days of Reading Bumped Review & Interview, The Bookish Type XVI Interview & Review
                  31 – Loud Words and Sounds Awaken Review & Interview, Good Choice Reading Dark Parties Review & Guest Post

                  1 – Reading Teen Bumped Review & Interview, The Book Worms Memento Nora Review, Literary Explorations Wither Review
                  2 – Musings of a YA Reader Possession Review & Guest Post, Books are a Girl’s Best Friend Delirium Review, Books in the Spotlight Awaken Review
                  3 – Down the Rabbit Hole XVI Review & Interview, 365 Days of Reading Memento Nora Review
                  4 – The Bookish Type Dark Parties Review, 365 Days of Reading Memento Nora Interview, I Swim For Oceans Bumped Review & Interview, Books in the Spotlight Awaken Interview
                  5 – Books are a Girl’s Best Friend Awaken Interview, A Tapestry of Words Wither Review, Literary Explorations Possession Review
                  6 – Reading Teen Delirium Review, Musings of a YA Reader XVI Review
                  7 – Books in the Spotlight Dark Parties Interview, Supernatural Snark Awaken Review, A Tapestry of Words Awaken Playlist, Loud Words and Sounds Bumped Review
                  8 – The Book Worms Bumped Review, Midnight Bloom Reads Delirium Review, Supernatural Snark Awaken Interview
                  9 – The Book Worms Bumped Interview, Literary Explorations Memento Nora Review, 365 Days of Reading XVI Interview
                  10 – The Book Worms Possession Guest Post, The Bookish Type Possession Interview
                  11 – Reading Teen XVI Review & Interview, The Bookish Type Possession Review
                  12 – The Bookish Type Dark Parties Interview, Books in the Spotlight Memento Nora Review, Literary Explorations Bumped Review
                  13 – Supernatural Snark Bumped Review, Books in the Spotlight Memento Nora Interview
                  14 – Reading Teen Awaken Review & Interview, 365 Days of Reading Dark Parties Review
                  15 – A Tapestry of Words Memento Nora Review & Interview, A Writer's Review Awaken Interview, 365 Days of Reading Dark Parties Interview
                  16 – The Bookish Type Bumped Review & Interview, A Tapestry of Words Enclave guest post, Books in the Spotlight Possession review, Supernatural Snark XVI Interview
                  17 – Literary Explorations Delirium Review, Books in the Spotlight Bumped Review, The Bookish Type Enclave guest post
                  18 – Delirium Scavenger Hunt Interview, A Tapestry of Words Possession Interview
                  19 – The Bookish Type Divergent Review
                  20 – The Bookish Type Reader Q&A with Elana Johnson; A Tapestry of Words Enclave Review
                  21 – A Tapestry of Words Reader Q&A with Sara Grant

Giveaway schedule:

21 – Loud Words & Sounds – Awaken cover redesign contest
22 – I Swim For Oceans – Awaken
23 – Musings of a YA Reader – Memento Nora
24 – Down the Rabbit Hole – XVI cover redesign contest
27 – Midnight Bloom Reads – Awaken
29 – Supernatural Snark – Memento Nora


1 – The Book Worms – Memento Nora
7 – A Tapestry of Words – Awaken

8 – The Bookish Type – Divergent 
12 – Books in the Spotlight – Memento Nora 
14 – The Bookish Type - Enclave
15 – 365 Days of Reading – Dark Parties mug; Reading Teen – assorted dystopian YA
16 – The Bookish Type – Bumped & Awaken; A Tapestry of Words – Enclave
17 – Literary Explorations – signed Delirium
22 – A Tapestry of Words – Divergent

There is also one larger giveaway for my Canadian readers (sorry, but shipping outside of Canada is crazily expensive) going on throughout the event on my blog.

So mark it on your calendars and drop by these blogs during March and April to enjoy a cornucopia of dystopia!


  1. Wow it looks jam packed...I've noticed lots more dystopian books being released this year so that makes me excited.


  3. Sounds great! It looks like you've done a really great job putting this event together. :)

  4. Wow, sounds awesome! And I love the name... Cornucopia... haha. ;) I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys have put together!

  5. Thanks everyone for the enthusiastic response! :)

  6. Memento Nora's hair is too cool.

    I just finished Delirium and Possession, and I'm in the middle of XVI, so I'm on a dystopian bender. I look forward to finding out about the other books.


I love comments, so post away!

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