The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
It took a few tries to get into this one, and I wasn't really hooked
until about halfway through, but once I became immersed in the world and
more familiar with the characters, I was riveted to the page! The
world-building is confusing (seriously, there are so many different
types of clairvoyants) and it was hard to keep track of who was on what
side (especially because there are tons of characters and I kept
forgetting who was who — a character list would have been helpful), but I
really enjoyed the main characters of Warden and Paige, and the
progression of their relationship dynamic. The pacing was slow to start
with, but then picked up and really didn't drop off for the 2nd half of
the book. Looking forward to continuing with the second in the series.
Oh, and I just discovered a glossary at the back of the book for all of the
slang terms. Huh, well, that would have been good to know while I was
reading it, lol.