My picks:
Little Sister by Kara Dalkey (there is a sequel to this one – The Heavenward Path – although I think the first is better)
The Arkadians by Lloyd Alexander
Windleaf by Josepha Sherman (and Child of Faerie, Child of Earth)
Sanditon by Jane Austen And Another Lady
Define "Normal" by Julie Anne Peters
Search of the Moon King's Daughter by Linda Holeman
The Boston Jane trilogy by Jennifer L. Holm
Hooray, I love these kinds of posts! Can't wait to check out your recommendations
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I love learning about books I don't know.
ReplyDeleteYou had me at "historical Japan". Little Sister is now officially on my to read list! Have you heard of Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriot? I actually heard about it from Misty @ The Book Rat. I'm only a few chapters in, but it's pretty amazing so far. It takes place in feudal Japan and and it's kind of a folk tale/fairy tale like. So, I'm thinking, "If you like historical Japan..." :)
ReplyDeleteDefine "Normal" was an excellent read. I got my hands on it back when I was 14 or 15 (so like...9 or 10 years ago, OMG!). That book had me hooked. I remember staying up way past my bedtime reading it!
I've read Define "Normal" and I actually liked it :) I'm a sucker for those kinds of books where people from opposite sides come together.
ReplyDeleteSanditon, woo hoo!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of Little Sister, but I'm definitely going to look into it.
I've only read one Lloyd Alexander book, but I liked it and have heard such good things about him, so I've meant to pick up more. I need to.
Added pretty much all of these to my TBR list! Thanks :)