
December 3, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (19)

It's time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is, "What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"

Unfortunately, there were a few this year that disappointed for me. I thought that Beautiful Creatures (review here), Firelight (review here), and The Maze Runner (review here) all didn't stand up to the buzz surrounding them. I'm always a little nervous when posting a review that goes against what most other bloggers have said, but I try to discuss the positive aspects of a book (usually there's something positive you can find) as well as explain why it didn't work for me.

On the other hand, there were also several hyped books that did meet expectations, so I guess it evens out! :)

Recent posts:

All I Want For Christmas Is... (8) - Getting into the holiday spirit? Share a book from your Christmas wishlist each week in my "All I Want For Christmas Is..." meme! Link your post up for this week here.

Waiting on Wednesday: In the Shadow of the Lamp and Between the Sea & Sky

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters You Want To Be Best Friends With

Nevermore: In A Nutshell

Now, time to hop! :)


  1. I tried to like Beautiful Creatures, too, but couldn't even finish it!!

  2. I just really really disliked The Lonely Hearts Club. I thought it was so obnoxious haha :)

  3. Old follower here-I think it's definitely important to share why a book didn't work for you. That's the number one thing I want to see in a negative review.

    My Hop

  4. New follower and aww sorry you thought beautiful creatures was a letdown :( I loved it but I haven't read firelight yet

  5. I didn't like The Maze Runner as much as I thought I would, but I went ahead and read the second one. It was equally frustrating for me, but what do you know? I'm planning to read the third.

  6. I always worry about not liking a book most people do too. But, we all march to the beat of a different drum.

  7. I always smile when I see your blog title...such a lovely choice for a name.

    Stopping by from the hop.......Happy Hopping.

    Stop by my blog to see my answer to what book I thought wasn't worth all the hype.

    silversolara AT gmail DOT com

  8. Hi, I'm a new follower! I wasn't able to get through Beautiful Creatures and I've been meaning to read Firelight, but haven't gotten to it yet. The reviews for Firelight seem very mixed. I agree that even if you don't like a book you should still try to find something positive! If you're curious about my answer, come visit my blog! Happy hopping!

  9. Hey, hopping on by =) I'll be looking forward to your future posts, and I think I'll participate in your "All I want for Christmas" meme too, that sounds fun! =D

    ~Anne (

  10. Returnign the visit! I liked beautiful Creatures all right, but I really couldn't get into it's sequel, Beautiful Darkness.

  11. Hi...just "hopping" by...nice blog!!!


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