
November 26, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (18)

It's time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is,"What is your favourite book cover?"

Hmmmm...okay, I just can't choose a favourite. There are too many gorgeous covers out there. But here are a few recent ones that I have oohed over:


- I am currently having a giveaway for Kiersten White's Paranormalcy, ending in just a few days (11/30). I really enjoyed this one, and you can read my review and enter the giveaway here (you don't even need to be a follower, though if you'd like to, please do!) 

- Getting into the holiday spirit? Share a book from your Christmas wishlist each week in my "All I Want For Christmas Is..." meme! Link your post up for this week here :)

Other recent posts:

Waiting on Wednesday: Little Women & Me and Honalee

Once Dead, Twice Shy & Early to Death, Early to Rise: Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Holiday Reads


  1. I couldn't choose just one, either!

    Happy Hop!

  2. All of your choices are great! Aren't covers just so much fun to look at? Two of those are books I've decided to read for the 2011 DAC. :)

  3. I also had a hard time choosing - there are just SO.. many great ones!

    Thanks for hopping by :)

  4. Entwined is a great choice, I think its lovely. I had a hard time choosing too.

  5. Wow, I love all of your choices. I have a couple of them, I'll have to check out the other. It's so hard to just pick one. (New follower :)
    -Caroline, Words & Whispers

  6. I tried to narrow mine down to one and ended up with three...

    Happy Hop!

  7. I had a hard time choosing, too. I really like your choices. I actually almost picked Entwined, but then as I was searching for a picture I found the one I ultimately posted.

    That Meg Cabot cover is really nice.

  8. Hey! Thanks for stopping by at my blog. I love the cover of Entwined as well. I am so looking forward to reading that one! The pretty gown on the cover just hooked me in. ;) New follower.

    - Cialina at

  9. The Entwined and Abandon are amazing. SO beautiful. It is way too hard to choose just one. New follower :)

  10. I have an award for you! You'll find it here:

  11. Hello...stopping back for a visit via the Blog Hop.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer to this week's question:

  12. love all those covers! especially entwined. thanks for stopping by our blog danya :D

  13. Hopping by to say enjoy the rest of your week!

    Love Die For Me's Cover!


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