
November 28, 2010

In My Mailbox (9)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.

In my actual mailbox, I just got one item this week, but was it ever heavy!

I had to lug it all the way down my street, in the snow, along with all of the other mail and while walking my dog. Not an easy task! I wanted my own copy for my copyediting class, though, so I'm glad it finally came.

And borrowed from the library:

A True and Faithful Narrative by Katherine Sturtevant
The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
An Off Year by Claire Zulkey
Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
The Candidates by Inara Scott
Paper Towns by John Green

What did you get in your mailbox?


  1. haha, I only have one dictionary in my house and it's over 60 years old! I should maybe look into getting a new one.

  2. You got some awesome books this week! I enjoyed Nevermore and the others look good, too. Happy reading!

  3. What a great load of books! I have a copy of Nevermore and I'm dying to get to it! Enjoy all your books!

  4. First time I've seen a Dictionary in IMM and I think that's so awesome. :D

  5. Lots of great books this week Danya! I think I have that dictionary at home too (or really similar). It's so thick and heavy... not very fun to lug around, lol.

  6. I'm partial to historical fiction, but I wanted to give a plug for A True and Faithful Narrative. I read it a while ago, and really enjoyed it.

  7. Awesome mailbox! I have got to read some John Green - I've heard he's amazing! I've also had my eye on Nevermore and The Candidate for a while! Can't wait to see what you think!


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