
December 18, 2011

In My Mailbox (43)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.

This post covers all the books I received back at my BC address while I was in the Toronto area. So while it looks like an epic post, this spans a few months!

For review:

Friendship on Fire by Danielle Weiler — from the author (thanks, Danielle!). This one came all the way from Australia! 

Unaccounted For by Nan Willard Cappo — from the author (thanks, Nan!). This one is "New Adult" so I'll be reading it for my challenge next year!

Fever by Lauren DeStefano — thanks to Simon & Schuster Canada for this one! I have now have 2 ARCs of Fever so expect a giveaway sometime in the future...

The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton — thanks, Tor Teen!

And lastly, I received an awesome package from Macmillan the other day, with these books:

52 Reasons to Hate My Father by Jessica Brody
All These Lives by Sarah Wylie
Before You Go by James Preller
Holding On to Zoe by George Ella Lyon
Wicked Sweet by Mar'ce Merrell

Huge thanks to Macmillan for these!! It made my day :)

All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin — thanks to Bonnie at A Backwards Story! I love the sound of this one and can't wait to get started :)

Mistwood by Leah Cypess and Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John — thanks to Cait at Escape Through the Pages! I'd already read and thoroughly enjoyed Mistwood, so I wanted a copy for my own shelf. And I've heard great things about Five Flavors of Dumb!

The Rules of the Tunnel: My Brief Period of Madness by Ned Zeman — thanks to Heather at The Broke & The Bookish! It sounds like a really interesting look at clinical depression, and I haven't read many memoirs so it'll be something new for me.


You all know I can't resist library discards...

The Ballad of Sir Dinadan by Gerald Morris
3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows by Ann Brashares
Village of the Vampire Cat by Lensey Namioka

From the library:

Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

So, I've got a LOT to read over Christmas break! O_O


  1. Hooray for your epic mailbox! Even if it is a few months, still epic :) I feel like I keep squealing at Fever, but EEE! It is SO squealworthy! And the Faerie Ring sounds amazing as well! And I need to get myself a copy of Mistwood if you say it's so good :D
    Hope you have a lovely break in which you read many of your amazing books!

  2. That's a lot of book to return home to! I'm so glad we got to meet before you had to head back home after your internship ended! Happy reading, Danya! :)

  3. Ooh I still have to pick up a copy of Faerie Ring!! Great haul you had a wonnerful week!

    Xpresso Reads

  4. You're the second person I know to somehow have 2 copies of Fever, I'm outrageously jealous. I'm borrowing one of Evie's Fever ARCs right now. :)

  5. Wow, you had a great haul, even if it does cover a few months! Enjoy!

  6. It looks like someone got an amazing haul this week! I'm very envious of you :) Faerie Ring and Friendship on fire look really interesting. Enjoy your books!

    New follower!
    My IMM

  7. cool Imm intresting imm cant wait to see ur views on them


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