
December 15, 2011

2012 Debut Author Challenge

Once again I'm signing up for the Debut Author Challenge, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren! In case you're unfamiliar with it (where have you been?!), this is a challenge to read debut YA or MG novels published in 2012. For all the details, see Kristi's post here.

Here are some of the debuts I'm looking forward to getting my hands on:

- Tempest by Julie Cross —can't wait for this one: time travel! new adult! male protag!
- The Selection by Kiera Cass — unlike a lot of bloggers, I am actually not a fan of the dress (too pouffy!) but the premise is a different story. Sounds fabulous!
- A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont — I've been excited about this one since I first heard of it. Travelling to the world of Jane Eyre = win.
- Grave Mercy by R. L. LaFevers — everything I've heard about this book makes me think I will love it.
- Counting Backwards by Laura Lascarso — this one sounds totally intense.
- Incarnate by Jodi Meadows — I've been hearing good things!
- Queen of Glass by Sarah J. Maass — I hope this one is actually published in 2012, as I think it was originally supposed to be released in 2011. I know I've been anticipating it for quite a while in any case! Cinderella as an assassin sounds amazing.

Have you signed up for the 2012 Debut Author Challenge? Which books are you looking forward to? If you haven't yet, here's where you can sign up.


  1. Oooh, I hadn't heard of some of these so I will definitely be adding them to my list. I can't wait for the debuts heading our way! :D

  2. It'll be my third year doing this challenge. Some of the ones you have on your list are on mines too.

  3. I have Queen of Glass on my list again as well :) But I'm sure it will get published this year! The author said it should be fall/winter 2012 on her site and leading up to the release there will be 3 novellas :) I'm SO excited to finally read this!

  4. Thanks for the shout-out for A Breath of Eyre, Danya!


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