
April 26, 2011

A Cornucopia of Dystopia Winners!

Time to announce a couple of winners for my A Cornucopia of Dystopia giveaways...

For the ARC prize pack of Bumped, Possession and Wither, selected #9 as the winner, which was...

For the Awaken ARC giveaway, selected #8 as the winner, which was...

Candice J!

I've sent both winners e-mails, and Aislynn has already responded. Candice, you have 72 hours to get back to me before I select another winner.

Edited to add: And both winners have now confirmed!

Congrats to you both!!

And remember, there is still an Enclave giveaway going on (open internationally) and a Divergent ARC giveaway (open to Canada only) if you haven't already entered them!

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