
January 30, 2011

Sunday Confessions: Bookshelves

Marcie from To Read or Not to Read hosts a weekly meme called Sunday Confessions, and I really liked the question this week so I thought I'd join in!

"How do you arrange your bookshelves?"

My organization of my books doesn't make a whole lot of sense (except perhaps to me). I have what works out to about 4 bookcases total. There are a couple shelves devoted to favorites (hardcovers mixed in with paperbacks), a couple shelves for series, a section for paperback historical fiction (I know, so random), and then the rest of the fiction that I've read is divided into hardcovers and paperbacks. In general these are all organized alphabetically by author within their section.

Books I haven't read and some books from university (like Shakespeare) are stored in a bookshelf in my closet, and a mishmash of 'miscellaneous' books (ranging from nonfiction like cookbooks and psychology books to Japanese folktales and poetry) are stored on a shelf under my desk. Recently I "purged" my book collection and we donated a bunch that I never read to the "Reading Tree" charity organization, but I keep getting new books so I still don't have much space on my shelves!

I also have a plastic bin for my library books but they tend to spill out and migrate to various parts of my room and the rest of the house, especially the study where I often write my book reviews.

I've seen some other bloggers do a bookshelf tour and I must admit I always like seeing what books they own and how their shelves are arranged. I was thinking about doing one myself - would anyone be interested in that?


  1. Danya,
    I'm going to be purging my collection in about a month or so too. Hopefully that will help find some more room on the shelves. I like that everyone has their own system. Thanks for coming by SC. I think a bookshelf tour would be great. Although I wouldn't want to do mine until I get everything organized.

  2. I'd post a picture... Though, my book shelf is pretty disheveled... It started out a bit organized... Then it kept growing... Very much like Seymour's plant in 'Little Shop of Horrors'...

  3. I love looking at other blogger's bookshelves and seeing all their books. I don't have much of an organization system myself. Mostly I have two book cases. One for books I need to read and another is books I`ve already read. Other books are kept in bins under my bed.

  4. I'd love to see a bookshelf tour :) I try and keep all my books in the one place lol

  5. I've love to see a bookshelf tour- that would be fantastic! I did a few photos of mine on my blog a while ago. My bookshelves are quite disorganised as they're not in any particular system but thankfully, I know where everything is :)


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