
January 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (15)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.

So it was a pretty awesome mailbox week for me! I received some ARCs of Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky, which are for a blog event I am co-hosting with Casey at The Bookish Type (you will hear more about it in the near future!) These were the first ARCs I had actually ever physically held in my hands...I was *so* excited. Thank you to Houghton Mifflin Books!


Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (from Jessica at Confessions of a Bookaholic — thanks very much!)

From the library:

I had kind of a massive library haul this week. I'm not sure what I was thinking, ordering all of these at once...I seem to have a tendency to go a little overboard and then be really surprised when they all come in at the same time and suddenly I have these huge stacks of books in my room that keep toppling over.

These were all books I thought I could use for my "Read Outside Your Comfort Zone" Challenge —a few graphic novels, a few with male protagonists, a couple middle-grades, and a couple light fluffy ones. I have no idea how I am going to get through all of these before they need to be returned!

Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt
The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy
The Professor's Daughter by Joann Sfar and Emmanuel Guibert (didn't order this one but I saw it while I was there and thought it looked a bit different from most graphic novels)
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick (again, didn't order this one but when I took a look at the description, I went, 'Male protagonist, partly graphic novel, middle-grade...check!' and took it out)
The Shifter by Janice Hardy
Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon & Dean Hale, and Nathan Hale (I've already reviewed it here)
Freefall by Mindi Scott
Fables: Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham

And these are just more that I'd ordered (well, the Kit Pearson one I picked up while I was there...never heard of it before!)

Forget-Her-Nots by Amy Brecount-White
Tagged by Mara Purnhagen
A Perfect Gentle Knight by Kit Pearson
Mistwood by Leah Cypess
Cat Among the Pigeons by Julia Golding (I didn't realize this was the 2nd book in a series when I ordered it, but apparently it is)
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

And of course as always I checked out the library discards (gotta love those) and as usual could not resist the 25 cent prices:

Hannah & the Spindle Whorl by Carol Anne Shaw - this one has a local setting and features the Salish culture, so I figured I'd give it a try.

The Pinhoe Egg by Diana Wynne Jones - oddly enough, my library seems to keep putting Diana Wynne Jones books in their discards. No idea why, but it means more for my collection!

And now you have seen a very good example of my library addiction :D


  1. THE RISE OF RENEGADE X!!!! Looooove that book. Nightshade too. And I'm DYING to read Freefall and Amy&Roger. Congrats on the great week!

  2. Ahh Awaken--I'm so looking forward to reading it! I shall eagerly await your review.

    I have the same problem with library books. I have a bunch on hold and if I don't keep an eye on them they arrive days apart and then I have this huge stack staring at me lol.

    I've read The Shifter--if you've read and liked Poison Study I think you'll enjoy it.

    Happy reading!

  3. I really enjoyed "The Shifter". I absolutely loved "Hugo" and am a bit scared about how they are going to adapt it to a movie. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about "Nightshade" (check out my interview with the author on my blog) and "Awaken". Very excited about the dystopian blog tour!

  4. I'm looking forward to reading Awaken and Nightshade. They're both waiting for me to read them.

    I have only read Freefall, and it's a pretty good novel. While I haven't read that particular book by Kit Pearson, I read a bunch of her novels when I was about 12 or 13. The ones I read (A Handful of Time, The Daring Game, The Sky is Falling, and Looking at the Moon were great. Have you read any of them?

  5. I loved Nightshade and hope you do too. Happy reading and have a great week!
    Brandi’s IMMB

  6. Awaken and epic detour keep catching my eye, Nightshade was really good. Hope you enjoy all the awesome books!

  7. Awesome haul this week! And congrats on your first ARCS ever!!!! :D

  8. Awesome mailbox! There's a bunch I spot that I've read or want to read so it'll be good to compare/figure out what you think of them.

  9. And you're gonna have to return those by when? :) Mine only lends them out for 3 weeks.. You got some great books! I haven't been able to get my hands on Princess For Hire or The Cinderella Society, let me know what you think of them!

  10. Awesome mailbox this week!! You definitely have some great reading in your future! :)

  11. Wow! That is a pretty awesome haul from the library Danya! And ohhhh, that ARC of Awaken is pretty... I've heard lots of great comments about Amy and Roger's Epic Detour as well too!

    Happy Reading!! :)

  12. Wow- you had a bumber mailbox week! I can imagine how excited you must have been when Awaken arrived in the post. I know what you mean about library addiction. Sometime I reserve books and they all come in at the same time so I don't get any of the books I own read. Enjoy :)

    Oh and yes, I love my Cottage Bookshop! Second hand bookshops are wonderful places to find bookish treasures. It's where I got all my Blyton books and my love for reading really kicked off after it was first discovered. It's a shame there aren't many near you.


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