
October 22, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (14)

It's time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is,"Where is your favorite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?"
Personally I almost always read in bed, it's comfiest there! And there are the least amount of distractions in my bedroom so I can really fall into the story if it's a gripping one. One place I can't read is in any moving vehicle – five minutes of reading and I start feeling queasy... :(

And a head's-up for recent posts on the blog:

All I Want For Christmas Is... (2): This is a new meme I've started where we pick a book each week that we'd like to be given for Christmas! I post my pick on Thursdays but the link option will stay open all week, so feel free to drop on by and link up :) It's been fun seeing what everyone else is hoping to get!

Now let's hop! :)


  1. I totally agree! I LOVE to read in my bed! No distractions or interruptions in my room! Just a few comfy pillows, legs stretched out and a good book to snuggle with ^_^

  2. Beds are certainly a great place to snuggle up and read! I have to take the train everyday to work so I have forced myself to read and get over my motion sickness. Being in a car is a whole different story though haha...

    Happy Friday!

  3. I have a Bachelor's in Psychology too! Hopping by....

    Hope you come by and see my ANSWER!

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books

  4. I love reading in bed too! =) The only problem is that I'm so tired nowadays that I fall asleep lol. That sucks that you get carsick =( I do most of my reading in cars lol but I have gotten sick a couple times - on realllllllllllly curvy and bumpy back country roads. Lesson learned.

    Happy Friday!

  5. Hey Danya,

    I found myself more engrossed in Alex's (the girl in the past) story because there was quite a lot more action going on and more at stake for her character- the history too of course!. I think that the reason why the two narratives worked so well was because Andi (the modern girl) found Alex's diaryand was reading it so it wasn't like alternating chapters. I think you'd enjoy it.

    I find eaxactly the same with fallng into the story best in my room. Recently I've taken to reading on the coach to school (perhaps because its higher up so you can't see cars passing) which is something I've never been able to do before but I can't read in the car.

    Enjoy your weekend :)

  6. Don't worry, I kind of new the story a little bit from the fairy tale and the particulars from your description have now escaped me now LOL

    Also, I was wondering considering you're an Austen fan what novel of hers I should read second after P and P... can you reccommend one?I'm thinking maybe Sense and Sensibility.

  7. Love snuggling in my bed! I'm so with you on the in the car reading. I always get sick! I can read on train and subways for some reason. Just not in the car. And when I was little I used to always keep trying and I'd get sooo miserable because I'd get sick!

  8. Hi, Danya!

    I can't read in any moving vehicles, either. Within seconds I feel dizzy.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :]

  9. I used to read in the car when I was a kid and be able to do it for hours..... and then when I got older, got carsick. At least I can read on the train (when I have to go into the city). :)

    Happy Hopping!

  10. Thanks for hopping by my blog. I'm a new follower . . .

  11. New follower here! I love to read in bed, although if I get too comfortable I do find myself taking "a mini-snooze" and wondering where the afternoon's gone!
    Excited to see "Neverwhere" and "Uglies" on your favourites widget. I discovered "Neverwhere" this year and fell in love with it. And I'm currently reading "Uglies." It has hoverboards in it! This made me ridiculously excited.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my site! I just love the Book Hop! I love the meme you started-All I want for Christmas! Definitly something I have to participate in! Hopefully Santa is internet savy! BTW- I'm your newest follower!

  13. Hello!
    Thanks a bunch for visiting my blog. Repaying the favour and now checking out yours :)
    P.S Completely agree about the whole reading in bed thing :)

  14. Thanks for stopping by! Two thumbs up for in the bed readers!


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