
February 9, 2019

2019 Reading Challenges

All right, it is past time for me to post about what reading challenges I'll be attempting this year!

Of course, I've signed up for the Goodreads challenge again -- it worked out well last year to start with a goal of 40 books (which I surpassed!) so that's what I'm doing again this year.

I'm also joining the Mount TBR Challenge (hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block) again this year. I knocked off 25 books on my TBR last year and I felt really good about it! Hoping to have the same kind of success again this year.

This challenge is for reading books we have added to our shelves prior to 2019. I'm setting my goal at the next level this time around, Mount Blanc (24 books).

Books I might read for this challenge:

- The Hate U Give
- The Language of Thorns
- Split
- Shadow Study
- Mistress of Rome
- Illusion
- The Last Summer
- The Book of Lost and Found
- For Darkness Shows the Stars
- Sweet Damage
- In the Shadow of Blackbirds
- Ultraviolet
- The Ballroom

(So far this year, I've already read 9 books from my TBR shelves, so I'm off to a good start!)

I completely failed at the Finishing the Series challenge last year (hosted by Celebrity Readers), and so I am giving it another try for 2019! I have got to finish some series (or alternatively, decide I am going to discontinue them and get rid of the sequels...) I am aiming for the lowest level again, C-List Series Finisher, 1-4 Series.

Some sequels I've got hanging around on my shelves that I have not yet read:

- Mortal Heart
- Outpost
- Prized
- Enshadowed and Oblivion
- Reached

I completed about half of the categories for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge (hosted by Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy) last year -- perhaps I'll do better this year? (We can hope...) Here's the checklist for the challenge:

I kinda like to add a new challenge each year, just so things are a little different, so this year I'm also signing up for the Putting Wings on Words Reading Challenge, hosted by Isa at Putting Wings on Words. I like the set-up of the challenge, which splits the items into 6 sections: Classics, Friends, Formats, Diversity, Seasons, and Bonus: Challenge Yourself. Seems like a neat way to approach picking out books to read!

Graphic with all the prompts of the reading challenge. The same prompts are listed below.

I don't think I'll be able to get to all of these (reading a book in another language? O_O) but we'll see how many I can check off.

What 2019 reading challenges have you signed up for?

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