
January 5, 2016

Flights of Fantasy & Retelling Challenges

Okay, adding a couple more challenges for 2016! Hopefully there will be some overlap with my #RockMyTBR challenge. Since I tend to read fantasy and fairy tale retellings anyway, I have some hope that I might get somewhere with these challenges!

Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge 2016 banner Alexa Loves Books Hello Chelly

The Flights of Fantasy challenge is hosted by Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and Rachel from Hello, Chelly. There aren't any specified levels for this challenge, so you can pick how many books you want to read for it. I'm going to go for 20 books — I figure with the overlap from my other challenges, this is... accomplishable? Semi-accomplishable? We shall see.

Retelling Challenge 2016

The Retelling Challenge is hosted by Mel from The Daily Prophecy. I'm going to aim for the Evil Queen level (10 - 15 books). It's a shame that I already read Bitter Greens in December, because that would have counted for this challenge! And for my TBR challenge too, lol.



  1. The link-up is open again! ;) Thanks for joining and happy reading :D

  2. The only challenge I'm participating in is the Goodreads 2016 Reading Challenge. But the retelling and Flights of Fantasy Challenged both sound really interesting! Good luck on your challenges!

    Asma @ IceyBooks


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