
July 14, 2014

Cruel Beauty: Get It... or Forget It?

This is a new feature I'm starting up, because as book bloggers we all know that there are too many books to read, and not enough time. I need to know which books are must-reads and which ones I can just plain ignore.

For which I turn to you, my readers! I'll pick a book each week that I'm wondering about, and you can tell me if I should GET IT...or just FORGET IT.
This week: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

I'm a big fan of fairy tales, and one of my favourites is Beauty and the Beast, so this one has certainly been on my radar. However, I know some readers have been a bit disappointed by Cruel Beauty. So I leave it to you guys: what do you think? Get it, or forget it?

Vote, and then tell me why in the comments!


  1. This is on my list of books to read! I have read several books lately that were getting rave reviews that I thought were just plain awful. Glad to see this feature, because there is not enough time for every book like you said.

    1. Aw, yeah I know the sucks when you're really looking forward to a book and everyone else seems to love it, and then it just doesn't work for you :( Hope you find some winners soon!

  2. The first time I started reading my ARC of this, I put it down within a few pages. I didn't want to keep reading. I thought it was going to turn into paranormal BS and I'm so over PN that it instantly turns it off.

    Then, this past April, for FTF, I read Hodge's novella "Gilded Ashes" (A stand-alone Cinderella story in the same world). I understood who the Gentle Lord was and how he interacted with the world.

    I tried to read CRUEL BEAUTY again. This time, I really enjoyed the book! I loved the way Hodge wove fairy tales and mythology together.

    I am so glad I gave this book a second chance. Reading the novella first really helped me!

    1. Good to know! It's awesome when you try again with a book and it clicks that time :)

  3. Oh my godddd GET IT. RUN to the bookstore and buy it now! It was so amazing, with a magical blending of fantasy, fairy tales and mythology and and a sexy sexy love interest and mind-killing ending!

  4. OMG GET IT! I read an ARC of it last year and just KNEW it was going to be one of my favorites of 2014. Flash forward half a year, and it is still my favorite debut--if not book in general--of this year. SO GOOD.

    I was wary at first before I read it as the very first review I saw for it was a negative one, but I'm so glad I decided to take a chance on it anyway. One of my all-time favorite books now!

    PS And I am 110% in agreement with Bekka above--couldn't be more in love with CB's love interest and ending.<333

    1. Sounds awesome! I'm a fan of 'Beauty and the Beast' storylines so it has that in its favour already :)


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