
June 30, 2014

Tsarina: Get It... or Forget It?

This is a new feature I'm starting up, because as book bloggers we all know that there are too many books to read, and not enough time. I need to know which books are must-reads and which ones I can just plain ignore.

For which I turn to you, my readers! I'll pick a book each week that I'm wondering about, and you can tell me if I should GET IT...or just FORGET IT.
This week: Tsarina by J. Nelle Patrick

Not gonna lie, part of my interest in this one is just for that spectacular cover. But I also like the idea of a storyline involving a Faberge egg! However, I've heard that this book plays fast and loose with actual historical fact. So I welcome your input: get it, or forget it? Vote!

If you think I should get it, let me know: buy from the bookstore or just order from the library? And if I should forget it...why?

1 comment:

  1. And the fact that it's Jackson Pearce under a pen name!

    I got it. I still have to READ it, but that's another story...

    Maybe together!?


I love comments, so post away!