
February 13, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Sorrow's Knot and Levitating Las Vegas

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

My WoW picks this week are:

Sorrow's Knot by Erin Bow

"In the world of Sorrow’s Knot, the dead do not rest easy. Every patch of shadow might be home to something hungry and nearly invisible, something deadly. The dead can only be repelled or destroyed with magically knotted cords and yarns. The women who tie these knots are called binders.

Otter is the daughter of Willow, a binder of great power. She’s a proud and privileged girl who takes it for granted that she will be a binder some day herself. But when Willow’s power begins to turn inward and tear her apart, Otter finds herself trapped with a responsibility she’s not ready for, and a power she no longer wants."

Love the way that the premises of Erin Bow's books play with how magic is presented and used – first in Plain Kate, and now here. This one sounds like it could be pretty dark, and I'm interested to see how Otter's inner struggle is portrayed. Plus, that cover!

Levitating Las Vegas by Jennifer Echols

"Nothing up her sleeves...or so she’s been led to believe.

Showgirl Holly Starr is sick and tired of assisting her dad, a celebrity magician, in his Las Vegas casino magic show. As soon as he keeps his promise to her and shares the secrets to his tricks, she can break out on her own. But can she really make it? For years Holly has taken medication to stave off crazy hallucinations that she can levitate objects. Just when she thinks she’s ready to make a career and a life for herself, her medicine—and her luck—run out.

Elijah Brown suffers from a similar delusion—that he can read minds—and he’s out of medicine too. Determined to save himself and his old flame Holly, he kidnaps her and takes her straight to the source, a town high in the Rockies where their medicine is made. What they discover there leads them to suspect their powers are not imaginary after all...and neither is the intense attraction they feel for each other.

They make a pact to stick together as they return to Vegas to confront the people who kept them in the dark so long. But soon they’re pitting their powers against each other in a dangerous world where the nightlife is seductive, domination is addictive, the sex is beyond belief...and falling in love is murder."

I'm pretty sure this is the New Adult book that Jennifer Echols referred to in my interview with her last year! Very cool that she is now getting it published. It sounds totally different from most of Echols' work, which is usually straight-up contemp YA. This one, by contrast, is New Adult, but with the paranormal element and the magician angle, it stands out amongst the many romance-only NA reads we've been seeing these days. 

What books are you waiting for? 


  1. SORROW'S KNOT's first WoW! Thank you, Danya!

    Also: squeee! No one told me the cover was public! Where did you find it, can I ask? Can't wait to get it on my blog.

  2. Levitating Las Vegas looks so cool!

    I'm very unsure about Sorrow's Knot because Plain Kate was not a good read for me but the premise is also really interesting so I'll have to wait for reviews.

  3. Levitating looks amazing. Definitely adding to my tbr. Here's my WoW (more YA than NA, I think):

  4. It has a cover?!?!!@! Oh wow, I've been stalking Sorrow's Knot for what feels like forever. And with that vague "2013" release date, no cover, and barely any info I was wondering if this book was ever going to get published. But, yay, a cover!!

    I pretty much swore off Jennifer Echols after Forget You and, um, that horse farm one without any horses...but this one has magic? I don't know. The premise sounds kind of, well, not so appealing, but I'm a hopeless sucker for magic and I'm still desperate for something from JE with the sizzle of Going Too Far soooo I'm torn. I hope you get a chance to review it :)


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