
January 29, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Frustrating Characters Ever

The Top Ten Tuesday meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, and as soon as I saw this week's topic I knew I had to join in! I'm sure I've forgotten some very frustrating characters, so these probably aren't really my top picks *ever*, but they're all quite frustrating anyway.

So, in no particular order:

1.) Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment — seriously, dude, just get over yourself already and admit to the police that you're guilty of murder. Enough with the wishy-washy pondering.

2.) Lena from Beautiful Creatures — stop with the melodramatic whining. Please.

3.) Seth from A Witch in Winter — you need to grow a spine. And also possibly a prefrontal cortex.

4.) Jacinda from Firelight — pick something and stick with it. No more of this ridiculous flip-flopping you seem so fond of.

5.) Sunshine from Sunshine — you know, you could try a little harder to live up to your name and not be so jaded and sarcastic all the time.

6.) Lori from Tenderness — you have zero street smarts. In fact, you might even be in the negative.

7.) Marianne from Sense and Sensibility — the world does not revolve around you, Marianne.

8.) Practically every single character in the Luxe series — ENOUGH with the backstabbing.

9.) Practically every single character in Wuthering Heights — grow up and think of someone other than yourself for a change.

10.) London from Forgotten – I know it's not your fault, London, but the whole can't-remember-the-past-but-can-"remember"-the-future thing does get tiresome after a while.

Who's on your "most frustrating characters" list?


  1. Completely agree about Marianne! I liked Colonel Brandon so much and did not want him to end up with her...oh well.

    1. LOL, yeah I can see your point...I think if we'd been shown more of Marianne maturing and the progression of their romance, the pairing of Colonel Brandon and Marianne would have seemed a little more understandable. As it is, it comes off rather rushed!

  2. I love Crime and Punishment because of the psychological intensity, but yes he is very frustrating. And yes Marianne definitely frustrates me. Wuthering Heights made my list too.

    Here's mine

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

    1. It was years ago that I read C&P, but I'm sure there's a good deal of psychology in there and I'd probably find that aspect more interesting if I read it again now. I still think Raskolnikov's endless rumination would get on my nerves, though! :D

  3. EVERYONE from Beautiful Creatures kinda annoyed me--except for Ridley. Her I liked;) I still can't believe it's been turned into a film...

    Yes to Jacinda from Firelight and yes to everyone in Wuthering Heights--that made my list as well.

    But I love my girl Sunshine so you and I will have to agree to disagree on that one, Danya:)

    1. LOL, I think Lena bugged me the most but there were certain things about Ethan I disliked as well. Characters aside, there were other issues I had with the book, but I think this might turn out to be an instance where I actually prefer the film to the book...I'm hoping some of the problems I had with the book will actually not be an issue in the movie. I guess I'll find out (if/when I watch it!)

      Also, yeah, we will definitely have to agree to disagree about Sunshine. I'm afraid I really couldn't stand her character XD

  4. Of all times? That's a tough one.

    1. I know – I'm sure there's a bunch of characters I'm missing!

  5. Bahaha Marianne. She was childish at times! And Lena..she was pretty melodramatic, wasn't she? lol Great list!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Marianne just needed to grow up, I think. I'm sure she's meant as a foil for Elinor (in personality and maturity) but all her self-centered dramatics got kind of annoying!

  6. I do agree with you regarding Sunshine. She was very jaded. And, I hated that since the story was from her perspective, we missed out on so much! So much so that I felt like there was no beginning or ending. Gah!

    My Top Ten Tuesday Post

    1. I know, the story didn't really feel complete, did it?! And I can appreciate some sarcasm, but Sunshine was just too over-the-top for my taste — she kind of seemed to hate *life* all the time.

  7. Oh yeah, I am totally with you about Lena. Blah. Although, I totally want to see the movie next month!

    I have seen so many people say everyone from Wuthering Heights. I've never read the book because I think all the characters are pretty awful.

    1. I'm not sure if I'll see the movie in theatres, but I have the feeling that this could be one of those rare cases where I prefer the movie to the book. I hope so, because I was not a big fan of the book! *crosses fingers*

      Yeah, if you'd like to read a book by one of the Bronte sisters I would definitely recommend Jane Eyre over Wuthering Heights. The protagonist is much more likeable! :)

  8. Colonel Brandon for the win! *Sigh* Definitely my next favorite Austen hero after Darcy.

    And well, you already know about my feelings for WH so I won't repeat them here. So I'll agree with some of the characters. ;)

    1. LOL, I'm afraid Colonel Brandon isn't *quite* as high on my list of Austen heroes (after Darcy, I'm partial to Knightley and Tilney as well...and let's not forget Edward either), but he definitely is a good guy. I'm not entirely convinced he and Marianne were a perfect match, but then she irritated me throughout most of the book...hopefully she matured a little before she married him!

      Also, yeah, somehow characters from WH always end up on these sorts of lists of mine ;D

  9. LOL. Jeeze you are brutal, Danya, I don't want to get on your bad side. =b

    1. LOLLLL...don't worry, Ashley, I'm only hard on fictional characters! ;P

  10. I haven't read far in Beautiful Creatures, but remember what you mean about Lena.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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