
September 1, 2012

Psychtember is Back!

That's right: it's September, which means it's time again for PSYCHTEMBER!


I first hosted this event last year and was really pleased by the response it received, so I decided to bring it back for a second time. Basically, the purpose of the event is to highlight YA books that normally don't get that much attention: those involving mental health issues. I have a B.A. in psychology and still love learning about the subject, so I decided to combine my interests in YA and psychology, and create an event that spreads awareness of these books and topics.

Just like last year, there'll be reviews, guest posts by fellow bloggers, guest posts by mental health professionals, interviews with authors (some familiar faces and some new), and giveaways! If you weren't here for the first Psychtember and are interested in what it's all about, feel free to browse last year's posts.

Psychtember Question Box!This year, I've started up a Goodreads list for YA books with mental health issues published from 2000 onwards. There are a number of Goodreads lists for specialized topics, like YA about eating disorders, or YA dealing with violence/abuse, but no general list for recent YA books about mental health. I've only just created it, so if you'd like to help round it out, please feel free to add titles to the list, or vote for your favourites. (If you're not sure if a book qualifies, just ask!)

I'm also still looking for questions for Dr. Carolyn Kaufman, a clinical psychologist and writer who will be stopping by the blog later on in the event, so if you are wondering anything about psychology and writing, please leave your questions here! (Don't worry, it's anonymous :))

If you could spread the word in any way to let people know that Psychtember has begun, that would be awesome! And I'd love it if you'd grab either of these event buttons to add to your blog sidebar:



Disclaimer: I know that mental health issues can be a sensitive subject, so I'd like to point out that my posts are never intended to offend. No, I am not a mental health professional, just someone with a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a passion for the field. I may get things wrong from time to time; if I do, you can always send me an e-mail about it! Also, I am not responsible for the content of the guest posts for the event — I don't like to censor so I have largely left the posts up to the writer's discretion. If you or a friend/family member is experiencing psychological distress, I recommend seeking out a mental health professional. This event is not meant to replace that type of help. 


  1. This sounds like an awesome event, and its great to get word out on a very important (and broad) topic! I can't wait to see what you have in store :)

  2. Thank you for starting that Goodreads list! Looking forward to this event. :-)


I love comments, so post away!