
August 27, 2012

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Jane Austen Good Guys

Here's how it works: you take a book, choose 3 guy characters from the book, and then the other person has to pick one to kiss, one to marry, and one to kill.

It's been a while since a Jane Austen–themed Kiss, Marry, Kill post, but what better time than now, when Misty at The Book Rat is hosting Austen in August? We've done a KMK for the Jane Austen Bad Boys, so now it's time for the flip side: the good guys who end up getting the girl!

Okay, I can't include all of them in here, but these three seem to be a lot of readers' favourites...

1.) Fitzwilliam Darcy

2.) Captain Frederick Wentworth

3.) George Knightley

So...who do you kiss, who do you marry, and who do you kill? *waits for the groans of indecision* :D

And as always, if you'd like to do your own, feel free to mention it in the comments or leave a link to your post there :)


  1. I'm only completely familiar with Darcy. So, I'm going to say I'll marry him. I'll kiss Knightley because I like Jeremy Northram. And, I'll kill the other dude since I don't really know him.

    1. LOL, fair enough! Jeremy Northam is my favourite Knightley :D

  2. Kiss Darcy. Marry Wentworth. Kill Knightley. Although, honestly, I'd marry any of them.

    1. Yeah, they're all pretty fabulous choices, aren't they? Austen has done a good job of spoiling us ;D

  3. Oh, fun game! I'd kiss Darcy, marry Wentworth, and kill Knightley. Never loved Knightley as much as the others... probably because I couldn't stand Emma. Yes, yes - I KNOW. *sheepish grin*

    1. *gasps* Kill Knightley? Nooooooooo! ;P LOL, yeah, Emma isn't my favourite Austen book but I love Knightley the way Jeremy Northam plays him in the movie... ;)

  4. I'd marry Knightley, kiss Wentworth, and kill Darcy (gasp-I know but he's only my fourth-favorite Austen hero so he has to go).

    1. ...KILL DARCY? Blasphemy!!! :P jk! I'm glad to see the love for Knightley, though :) Now I'm curious as to the Austen hero of yours we're missing here...

  5. AAH! I can't possibly kill any of Austen's heroes! I mean, it's just not possible.
    But if I absolutely have to choose, I'd kiss Knightley, marry Darcy, because seriously WHO WOULDN'T??? And I'd kill Wentworth because I don't care for him on the same level as Knightley and Darcy. Though I do prefer Mark Strong as Mr. Knightley :)

    1. LOL, I think this would be my choice as well. So we'd be fighting over Darcy, but at least we'd be kissing different versions of Knightley :D (And poor Wentworth would be very, very dead!)

  6. Kiss Darcy, Marry Wentworth, and Kill Knightley. There's definitely something wrong with Knightley if he sees anything redeeming about Emma. Sorry, I *hated* her. What about the Col. from Sense and Sensibility?

    1. Haha, yeah Emma isn't the easiest of Austen's heroines to like, that's for sure. The Colonel might just pop up in a future KMK post... ;D

  7. This is a neat idea! I can't think of anything right now, my brain has left the building :)

    Wondering if I could email you to ask about pursuing any kind of jobs in publishing or otherwise...let me know!

    1. Sure! I'm not sure how much help I'll be able to give, but I'll try to answer your questions :)


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