
May 1, 2012

April "New Adult" Challenge Reviews — Link Them Up Here!

A Tapestry of Words

Participants in my "New Adult" reading challenge: if you have reviews from April, here's your chance to link them up! And everyone else: if you are interested in joining the challenge, please see the details here. The more the merrier :)

I'm reading a couple of New Adult books at the moment so I'm hoping I will have at least one or two reviews posted in May. Also, in case you missed it, Chachic from Chachic's Book Nook stopped by the blog in April with a guest post on New Adult recommendations!

And a bit of "New Adult" news: if you haven't already, be sure to check out the new blog that's just launched called NA Alley. It's run by several writers of New Adult books, and right now they're having a huge giveaway to celebrate the launch! So if you have a minute, you might want to stop by and give them a warm welcome to the blogosphere :)


  1. Thanks so much for the mention, Danya!

  2. Yay, thanks for shouting out about us ;)

  3. Danya, thank you so much for the NA Alley shout out! It is so very appreciated & I'm excited to use some of my free time this summer to start participating in your "New Adult" reading challenge -- one of my sisters just shared the link for that with the rest of us, and I'm really thrilled about participating!

    1. No problem - I'd love for you to join the challenge, Bailey! :)

  4. Oh Danya! Your challenge is up on our blog! We need to get people reading NA =D

    1. Thanks so much for adding my challenge button to the NA Alley blog - you guys are awesome! :)

  5. I love the idea of this challenge and I realised I've been reading some new adult without even noticing. I definitely agree there should be more! I reviewed a book today so I'll have to join in for the month of May ;)

    1. Yay for reading more New Adult! It's great to hear that. Would love to have you join in for May! :)

  6. Thanks for the review links! I've just gone through them all and added quite a couple to my TBR pile on Goodreads.


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