
February 22, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: The Waiting Sky and Zoe Letting Go

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

This week's picks both have a psychological element to them (and could possibly work for my Psychtember event!)

The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin

Goodreads' description:

"Seventeen-year-old Jane can’t quite face her mother’s alcoholism even though it sucks to spend all her time and energy keeping them afloat—making sure her mom gets to work, that the bills are paid when there’s money to pay them, and that no one knows her mom is so messed up. But when Jane’s mom drives drunk almost killing both them and Jane’s best friend, Jane can no longer deny her mom is spiraling out of control. Jane has only one place to turn: her older brother Ethan, who left years ago to go to college. A summer away with him and his tornado chasing buddies may just provide the time and space she needs to figure out whether her life still includes her mother."

A book about stormchasers? Awesome! And I love the richness of the blue in the cover.

Zoe Letting Go by Nora Price


Goodreads' description: 

"While at a clinic receiving treatment for anorexia, Zoe is instructed to write letters. Through letters, she tells her mother and brother about the clinic; the doctors, the food, her struggle to get better. But she tells her best friend Elise about the strange goings on around her, the shady relationships, the dark mysteries. When the lights go out, the place turns into someplace else.

While her mother and brother write back, their letters filled with cheerful encouragement—Zoe’s letters to Elise remain unanswered. As Zoe struggles to understand why her best friend would cut her off, she must unravel the secrets that surround her in the clinic.

It sounds like there's a bit of a mystery to this one as well as the anorexia storyline. Shady relationships and strange goings-on? Kinda creepy...
What books are you waiting for?


  1. The Waiting Sky looks great. I so wanna read it soo bad.

    Zoe Letting Go looks like....friggin' amazing. :D
    I want it...LIKE NOW! It looks so mysterious.

  2. The Waiting Sky is definitely on my wishlist. It sounds awesome. Great picks!

    If you'd like, you can check out my WoW here.

  3. These both sound excellent, thanks for bringing them to my attention!


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