
October 5, 2011

Psychtember Character Interview: Adele Griffin (and Giveaway!)

I'm excited to have Isa, from Adele Griffin's Tighter, join us today for a chat! Isa's the young girl that Jamie is hired to look after.

"When 17-year-old Jamie arrives on the idyllic New England island of Little Bly to work as a summer au pair, she is stunned to learn of the horror that precedes her. Seeking the truth surrounding a young couple's tragic deaths, Jamie discovers that she herself looks shockingly like the dead girl—and that she has a disturbing ability to sense the two ghosts. Why is Jamie's connection to the couple so intense? What really happened last summer at Little Bly? As the secrets of the house wrap tighter and tighter around her, Jamie must navigate the increasingly blurred divide between the worlds of the living and the dead." (from Goodreads)

1.)  Welcome to the blog, Isa! To start off, what’s your favorite thing about living on the island of Little Bly?

I like that nobody is watching me. Except the people who I want to watch me.

2.)  What was your first impression of your new au pair, Jamie? Has this changed as you’ve become better acquainted with her?

At first I thought she was just another boring person sent to tell me what to do. But then I realized she never told anyone what to do. It scares me a little bit. But it is also fun, a secret.

3.) I understand your previous au pair, Jessie, died tragically last summer. If you could spend one more day with her, where would you go and what would you do together?

Jessie was most fun when she was disrupting something else. Like bedtime, or dinner. She would turn the music on really loud and go up on the roof. I'd spend my last day with her on the roof, staring at the clouds, laughing.

4.)  Everyone says Jamie looks almost exactly like Jessie. How similar is she to Jessie in personality?

Jessie never tried to be anything else but herself. Jamie is always hiding parts of herself. She wants to be happier than she is, and nicer. But Jamie has a softer heart. Maybe that's why she tries.

5.)  If you had to describe Milo in 10 words or less, what would you say?

Kicked out of everything in less than ten minutes.

6.) Dr. Hugh sometimes drops by the house. What does he talk to you about?

He's in the boring grownup category. I never talk to him more than I have to. Once I put salt in his coffee. 

7.)  What’s your greatest fear?

Being alone in the dark. Also once I ate a rotten egg salad sandwich, and I am really scared to get a stomach ache like that again.
8.) What do you want to be when you grow up?

Brave. Because I want to rescue animals. I feel like I have a strong rescuing self underneath my scared self.

9.) When you were younger, what were your favourite games/toys?

After my mom got sick, she didn't like the noise of Apps. So we played a lot of quiet games. Scrabble. Crossword. I am good with pen and paper games.

10.)  You spend a lot of time at the lighthouse. Why do you like it there?

I am high over everyone and nobody can sneak up.

11.)  Who’s your best friend(s)?

I used to say my mom. Now I think it's better not to name people, because so many people leave me.

12.)  If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

I'd like to wake up eight years older. I'm mostly tired of being a kid.

13.) It seems like you have a few secrets, Isa. Can you share one of them?

I'm no good at sharing. All my teachers say that. But the secret to a perfect pitcher of lemonade is to use tupelo honey and garden mint.

Isa, thanks so much for dropping by and talking to us about your life on Little Bly!

And now, for the giveaway...

Adele has generously offered up a copy of either Tighter or Where I Want to Be (another of her novels involving psychology!)

The rules:

- US/Canada only
- Entrants must be 13 years or older.
- One entry per person.
- Following and tweeting are not required, but always much appreciated.
- Winner will be selected randomly and contacted by e-mail for their address and book choice, which will then be passed on to the author, who'll ship out the prize.
- Ends Oct. 20 at 11:59 pm EST. 

To enter, please fill in THIS FORM. Comments, while wonderful, do NOT count as entries.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Isa sounds really haunted. Poor kid! I love that she put salt in that guy's coffee LOL (Don't even THINK about doing that to me *glares*)

    Thanks so much for the giveaway! I have been DYING to read this one!!


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