
August 24, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: The Butterfly Clues and In Honor

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

This week's picks:

The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison

Goodreads' description:

"Penelope (Lo) Marin has always loved to collect beautiful things. Her dad's consulting job means she's grown up moving from one rundown city to the next, and she's learned to cope by collecting (sometimes even stealing) quirky trinkets and souvenirs in each new place--possessions that allow her to feel at least some semblance of home.

But in the year since her brother Oren's death, Lo's hoarding has blossomed into a full-blown, potentially dangerous obsession. She discovers a beautiful, antique butterfly pendant during a routine scour at a weekend flea market, and recognizes it as having been stolen from the home of a recently murdered girl known only as "Sapphire"--a girl just a few years older than Lo. As usual when Lo begins to obsess over something, she can't get the murder out of her mind.

As she attempts to piece together the mysterious "butterfly clues," with the unlikely help of a street artist named Flynt, Lo quickly finds herself caught up in a seedy, violent underworld much closer to home than she ever imagined--a world, she'll ultimately discover, that could hold the key to her brother's tragic death."

The psychological aspects of this one really intrigue me – I'm very interested to see how this obsessive collecting of Lo's affects things. The underworld sounds gritty...such a pretty title for such a dark-sounding novel! The cover is simple but unsettling at the same time, with all that blood...

In Honor by Jessi Kirby

Goodreads' description:

"Honor receives her brother's last letter from Iraq three days after learning that he died, and opens it the day his fellow Marines lay the flag over his casket. Its contents are a complete shock: concert tickets to see Kyra Kelly, her favorite pop star and Finn's celebrity crush. In his letter, he jokingly charged Honor with the task of telling Kyra Kelly that he was in love with her.

Grief-stricken and determined to grant Finn's last request, she rushes to leave immediately. But she only gets as far as the driveway before running into Rusty, Finn's best friend since third grade and his polar opposite. She hasn't seen him in ages, thanks to a falling out between the two guys, but Rusty is much the same as Honor remembers him: arrogant, stubborn. . . and ruggedly good looking. Neither one is what the other would ever look for in a road trip partner, but the two of them set off together, on a voyage that makes sense only because it doesn't. Along the way, they find small and sometimes surprising ways to ease their shared loss and honor Finn--but when shocking truths are revealed at the end of the road, will either of them be able to cope with the consequences?"

I haven't read Jessi Kirby's Moonglass yet, but I've heard so many good things about it. This book sounds like it incorporates the fun and excitement of a roadtrip with more serious issues and character growth. And I'm always a sucker for a hate-turned-to-love romance! 

What books are you waiting for? 


  1. Love the sound of both of these! I like those hate-to-love romances too! :P Great picks :)

  2. Great picks! I'm totally excited for both of these, especially In Honor -- Jessi Kirby rocks =)

  3. What great picks this week! I think this is my first time hearing about The Butterfly Clues but I only recently heard about In Honor. They both sound really good!

  4. Great choices! I chose In Honor as well for my WoW. The Butterfly Clues sounds really interesting and original! Ange @ the Moonlight Reader

    My WoW:

  5. The first one sounds amazing. I think I'll have to add that one to my TBR pile.

    Here is mine

  6. I think Butterfly Clues is on Netgalley. And I love the psych aspect too!

  7. I really want to read In Honor! LOVE the cover.

  8. I really like the cover for The Butterfly Clues and the whole psychological element should make for such a compelling novel! I've been seeing In Honor around a lot recently and I'm really intrigued. It sounds great, I haven't read Moonglass either, but really excited for this. Great picks!


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