
August 30, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: My Fall TBR List

This fabulous meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, and this week it's the books on our fall to-be-read list.

Almost all of these have already been published, but I still need to actually get around to reading them!

1.) The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab — I've heard so many positive things about this one — in fact, I don't think I've seen a single outright negative review. A ghostly fairy tale with romance? Sign me up.

2.) Supernaturally by Kiersten White — I read Paranormalcy last year and really enjoyed it, so I'll definitely be picking up the sequel.

3.) Abandon by Meg Cabot — I've seen mixed reactions to this one, but I've enjoyed other Meg Cabot books and I am interested in seeing what she does with a darker tone/theme.

4.) Nightspell by Leah Cypess — Really loved Mistwood, so I'm hopeful I'll also like this companion novel.

5.) A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young — once again, I've heard a lot of great things about this one. Paranormal angel books have been done a lot now, but the premise of A Need So Beautiful makes me think that it'll be a bit different.

6.) Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar — I've ordered this one and it should be arriving soon! It's received rave reviews from a bunch of Aussie bloggers and comes highly recommended, so I have high hopes.

7.) Crossed by Ally Condie — I'm looking forward to seeing where Condie takes Cassia's story in this sequel to Matched.

8.) What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty — I'm not normally big on reading adult fiction, but this one's written by Jaclyn Moriarty's sister, and I adore some of Jaclyn Moriarty's novels. And Nomes from inkcrush has recommended it. Plus, it may work for my "Read Outside Your Comfort Zone" challenge! Speaking of which...

9.) Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead —Why have I still not read this? I don't know, it's for my challenge and I hear lots of awesome things about it and I even own the 3rd and 4th in the series.

10.) Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys —This one's supposed to be amazing and heartbreaking and it's sitting on my shelf (like, literally) so I must get to it!

Are any of these on your fall tbr lists? Which should I bump up to the top?


  1. Oh my gosh!! Danya, you haven't read Vampire Academy!?! Why? It's on my faves! I think you should bump it higher on your TBR pile. ^.~ Great list!

  2. Crossed will be a book that pushes what I'm currently reading down a notch. It'll take precedence when it's released, lol.

  3. I just got note that 'Supernaturally' is ready for me to pick up at the library -- I'm excited!! Like you, I really enjoyed 'Paranormalcy'.

    I'd also like to echo Liz's sentiments: the 'Vampire Academy' books are amazing! =)

  4. I'm one of those gushing about the Near Witch :) It's so wonderful! The writing was just beautiful! Hope you will enjoy it as well!
    I really need to get to A Need So Beautiful and Vampire Academy book 2 and on! I even OWN A Need So Beautiful. It's staring me down, demanding to be picked up. Right now.

  5. Most of these are ones I need to get around to too! I have read TNW and Supernaturally though -- both were awesomesauce =D I'm gonna have to check out What Alice Forgot -- the title intrigues me.

  6. Definitely bump up Vampire Academy! It's awesome! Most of these are on my tbr too - great list! :)

  7. Vampire Academy is def. a must and so it Between Shades of Grey...(lovely)

  8. OMG YES TO RAW BLUE AND THE NEAR WITCH! Both are such amazing books! :)

  9. Well, you must read the VA series. I'm sure you'll love it. The blogger love for The Near Witch has made me want to read it, too - not something that I would've done, based on the cover.

  10. I STILL need to read Nightspell and Vampire Academy too. Glad I'm not the only person on the planet left who still hasn't read VA. :P


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