
July 3, 2011

In My Mailbox (29)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library. This IMM post covers the past two weeks.

Thankfully, the Canada postal strike ended last week! However, the postal workers are apparently sorting through the backed-up mail at the absolutely slowest possible rate they can get away with, to take revenge for having been forced back to work by the government. Which leads me to the fact that none of the books I've been expecting have arrived yet. *sigh*

I did, however, get these bookmarks in the mail:

Bookmarks for The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab — thanks very much, Victoria! One of them is for me to keep and the other I'm supposed to leave in a random place for someone to find :D

And from the library:

Bone by Jeff Smith — this is a graphic novel and it is massive. I had no idea it would be so huge.
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
Numbers by Rachel Ward
Cloaked in Red by Vivian Vande Velde
The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha
Blood Red Road by Moira Young — this book was just calmly sitting on my library's shelf, there for the taking. I was seriously surprised since it was only recently released and you'd think there would have been a waitlist for it! So of course I snatched it up.
Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron

And I bought The Season by Sarah MacLean as a library discard. I just can't resist 25-cent paperbacks!


  1. Nice books! I keep forgetting to take pictures of those Near Witch bookmarks. Vivian Vande Velde!! I liked that book a lot, but her other novels are so much better. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Season. Good deal!

  2. I love the idea of leaving the bookmark somewhere to be found....

  3. I loved Audrey Wait! What a great book.

  4. Ah, whoops! I'll have to remember to include the bookmarks in my post next week :) I'm just so glad the strike is over! Hopefully everything is sorted quickly.

    YOU GOT THE BOOK OF AWESOME! I loved that book :D Awesome.

  5. Great library haul! I really want to read Blood Red Road. Happy reading :)

  6. Love the bookmarks! :) I have some too! SO glad to hear your post strike is over! Hopefully you'll get lots of crazy awesome packages soon! :)

    But that's a GREAT list of library books!! Can't wait to hear what you think of a lot of them!

  7. Nice haul! I've been meaning to read The Season for a while now, let me know what you think after finishing it! You have the most awesome library I can imagine, with new releases and books for 25 cents... Jealous!

  8. ooooh! Awesome books. :) I've been wanting to read The Season for a while now. It's just sitting on my shelf. That's a great find.

  9. I read The Season. It wasn't the best book, but certainly enjoyable and I would recommend it to girls who like books like The Luxe series. Certainly worth the 25 cents!

  10. I hope those books you're waiting on finally come this week! After so long without mail, you would think we'd get a lot all of a sudden to make up for it but they really do seem to be taking their time...

    I can't wait to see what you think of Blood Red Road! It was such a GOOD book! Happy reading Danya! :)

  11. Yay- The Season! I've had that on my TBR list for a few years now. I wish my library had such fantastic deals and new releases.


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