
July 9, 2011

Heads-Up: Inkpop Writing Contest for A Need So Beautiful

This week at there is a writing contest to win (along with other HarperTeen books) A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young! I've been hearing a lot of good things about this one in the blogosphere.

The challenge? "Write a short story, poem or person essay about love that overcomes all obstacles."

You can find all of the details about how to enter HERE. Apparently the winners will be picked by Suzanne Young herself! The deadline is July 14th. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. These Inkpop comments are awesome :) I actually won one a while ago but it may have been a random draw and it was for comments, not entries. ANYWAYS. At least someone (possibly) thought my critique was good? LOL, anyways...


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