
May 1, 2011

In My Mailbox (24)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library. This post covers the books I've gotten in the past two weeks.

For review:

Something Deadly This Way Comes by Kim Harrison (#3 in this series, you can see my review of the first two here) - thanks Harper Collins!


Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney – from a friend IRL (you know who you are, thanks very much!!)

From the library:

Stolen Child by Marsha Skrypuch
Keturah & Lord Death by Martine Leavitt

Nobel Genes by Rune Michaels
Contagion by Joanne Dahme
Save as Draft by Cavanaugh Lee

And I stumbled on a couple books from the Vampire Academy series as discards at my library. I'm planning on reading the series for my "Read Outside Your Comfort Zone" Challenge, and in general just about everyone seems to quite enjoy this series so I figured I'd be safe buying the 4th and 5th books for $1 each. (But I will be starting with book #1!)

Blood Promise and Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead


  1. You got Something Deadly This Way Comes? *squeal* My sister and I are both really looking forward to reading it! Can't wait to hear how much you like it and if it's as good as the first two novels in the series! :)

  2. Looks like you have some great reading ahead of you! I like Kim Harrison's books, but haven't read any in this series. I look forward to your review. I haven't read any Vampire Academy books either, hope you like them.

    Mine is here:

  3. I hope you like "Keturah and Lord Death". I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading your thoughts. Happy Reading!

  4. I'm dying to read Something Deadly This Way Comes. Jealous! Looks like a great week.

  5. I'm glad to see my library isn't the only one who puts those Canadian flag stickers on the side of Canadian author books, haha. =)

    Nice finds with the VA books. I bet/hope you'll love the series... I know I was completely blown away by them.

  6. Oooh Keturah and Lord Death! I liked that book :) Hope you enjoy all your books!

  7. Whoa fantastic steal!!!! I don't have a copy of any of the books from the VA series. :(

  8. Oooh- you got Dark Mirror! I've read the first 2 in the VA series and I was really surprised to find that I liked them although I still haven't gotten round to the third yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of them :)

  9. I hope you like Vampire Academy- just a warning- the first one is so-so (IMO), but they really pick up towards the middle of the second book. So if you find yourself un-wowed by the first book, don't give up!

  10. What a fabulous mailbox Danya! I adore the Vampire Academy series, it's one of my all time favorites:) I really want to read Dark Mirror to, I've read some great reviews of that one. Enjoy all those!


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