
April 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (23)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.

For review:

ARC of Don't Stop Now by Julie Halpern – thanks very much, Macmillan (Feiwel & Friends)! I had this as a WoW pick a while ago so I'm really excited to have the opportunity to read and review it.


ARC of Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis, thanks to Steph from Steph Su Reads! I've heard nothing but awesome things about this book, can't wait to dig in. And double thanks to Steph for all the swag she sent along with it!

From the library:

Choker by Elizabeth Woods – I've heard mixed things about this one so I'm interested to see what I make of it.


  1. Haven't seen Don't Stop Now before. Looks interesting. Be looking forward to hearing what you think of Choker...

  2. I had my eye on Choker too and I look forward to reading your thoughts.

  3. Oh wow, the ARC cover for Don't Stop Now is so different from the final cover! I hope you enjoy it!

    Congrats on the win and the swag!!

    And I hope you enjoy Choker! I thought it was a cool thriller of a novel, so I'll be looking forward to seeing how much you like it...

    Happy Reading Danya! :)

  4. nice little buncle.

    i have never seen that julie halpern cover! it looks really cool and stands out.

    and congrats on the win!

  5. Yay Kat Incorrigible! Congrats on your win. I hope you love it. I'm also really interested in seeing what your take is on Choker.


I love comments, so post away!