
March 21, 2011

In My Mailbox (20)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.


The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker, from Jill Scribbles (thanks very much, Jill!) — can't wait to read this one! It looks like so much fun.

Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee (from Goodreads)

From the library:

Warped by Maurissa Guibord
XVI by Julia Karr
Grace by Elizabeth Scott


  1. Fabulous books, Danya! The Liar Society is so SO fun, and I'm really interested to see what you think about XVI :) Enjoy!

  2. I ordered The Liar Society yesterday while I was at Chapters Indigo because it's not on any shelves here in Ontario! *sad face* I hope it arrives soon so I can't wait to see how you like it!

    I hope you enjoy reading the new books you got this week Danya! Happy Reading!! :)

  3. I've heard Liar Society is really good! And I JUST finished XVI and loved it -- though the ending was kind of abrupt O_O Can't wait to see what you think!

  4. The Liar Society looks like a fun reaed :) XVI was really good and I can't wait to read Warped!


    Happy World Poetry Day!

  5. Great books this week - Love TLS!!

    Happy reading! :)

  6. Great books! XVI looks like it has an interesting concept and I'm heard some food things about it :)

  7. You are the second blogger I've discovered reading XVI. What is it about? I haven't read anything about it yet.

    Here's my It's Monday.

  8. Great books! I've been keeping an eye out for XVI for quite some time, it looks like a great read!


  9. The Liar Society & Emily and Einstein both look good - I've been wanting to read them.
    Happy reading!

  10. I can't wait to get a copy of the Liar Society- I've heard nothing but great stuff about it! I hope Warped and XVI are good too... they're all on my Debut Author Challenge list which I really need to get started on. Great stack this week!

  11. We both got Warped this week! :D Hopefully it turns out to be a good read. I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on The Liar Society; I've been thinking of getting it.

    Have a great week, Danya!

  12. I just finished 'The Liar Society' -- it was quite good!! Very interesting and plot twisty.

    I'm picking up 'Warped' from the library soon, as well. Hopefully we both enjoy it.

    I'll be interested to see what you think of 'Grace' ... I enjoyed it, but it was definitely different.

  13. Loved Grace and XVI. I haven't read the other three yet, so I'll be looking forward to you reviews.

  14. CAN'T WAIT O SEE WHAT YOU THINK OF gRACE! I wish my library had it, haha. I'm thinking of purchasing a copy at some point...

  15. Hey Danya, I left a comment on my blog regarding the question you asked about Carrie Ryan's Forest of Hands and Teeth novels but I thought I'd explain here...

    I would say that the novels are zombie dystopian because it's set in a futuristic world where zombies have sort of taken over everything and humans live in small, highly fortified settlements in an attempt to keep them out. They're a lot darker than some of the other zombie novels I've read and the author really puts her characters through the ringer. Like as soon as you gain hope that something good is going to happen, she grabs the rug out from right you sort of thing. I'm depressed and anxious half the time I'm reading because I'm so nervous for them...

    I wasn't much of a fan of the first novel but the second novel was a lot better when it moved forward a whole bunch of years and switched to a different character... one I liked a bit more...

    I'm just a bit hesitant to actually recommend the books since you said you're not particularly fond of zombies. But if you borrowed it from the library, it's free, right? So either way, there would be no harm in trying them... -.-

  16. Oh, I had to return Grace b/c I didn't read it in time (oh, and non creepily, *high five* FVRL) but I'm definitely requesting it again xD Happy reading! I've heard tons of grat things about The Liar Society!

  17. I have The Liar Society too! I just wrote my review for Warped. I was so hoping it would be *that* book for me, but it wasn't. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

  18. I reviewed XVI recently. And I liked it a lot. Would love to know your thoughts, Danya.

  19. I recently reviewed Emily and Einstein .. it's a pretty cute read! XVI is definitely on my to-buy list ... hope you love it! Enjoy the reads!


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