
February 11, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (26)

Yes, that's right...time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books and this Friday she's asking us to share a blog post from this week.

So, I'll share my Find the Gap: Characters post! I've been running a little discussion series on what's missing in various aspects of YA. This week was characters and I got some great responses! I'd love it if you'd drop on by and join in the discussion :)

In other news... I am just a few people away from reaching 100 responses on my Is Personality Related to Genre? survey! I am excited to share the results with everyone once I do. If you are a YA reader who has not yet filled out this survey and can spare a minute of your time to answer a few multiple choice questions, that would be awesome. Just click on the link above to get to the survey.

And, just wanted to alert everyone to the Fairy Tale Fortnight event that's being hosted by Ashley from Books From Bleh to Basically Amazing and Misty from The Book Rat in April. I'm participating and it looks like it's going to be a whole lot of fun! For all the details go here.

Recent posts on the blog:

Forget-Me-Nots: Ordinary Jack
Waiting on Wednesday: The Rites and Wrongs of Janice Wills
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters You Would Name Your Kids After
Find the Gap: Characters
Mistwood: In A Nutshell

I was also interviewed this week by Tiger at All Consuming Books! If you'd like to see my answers to some great bookish questions, then check out my "Better Know a Blogger" interview.

Now let's hop!


  1. I really enjoy your Finding the Gap posts. I think they're fantastic and very insightful.

  2. I took the survey! And I'm gonna go check out the find the gap post, I really enjoyed the last one! Have a great weekend :)

  3. Just entered your survey. Happy hop!

  4. I'm enjoying your Find the Gap series a lot. It's really gotten me to think. Can't wait to see the results of your survey!

  5. Can't wait to see the results of your survey... I've already taken it, so I'm curious what results you'll find!


I love comments, so post away!