
February 4, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (25)

Yes, that's right...time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is, "What are you reading now and why are you reading it?"

Well, I'm partway through Mindi Scott's Freefall which I have been reading on and off for several days now, although I keep getting distracted by other books out from the library (*cough*Nightshade*cough*). I'm reading it as part of my Read Outside Your Comfort Zone Challenge, since it is narrated by a guy and I tend to prefer novels featuring female protagonists. Would still love some more people to join me in this challenge (these don't have to be books you actively dislike, just ones that aren't your typical read!) — there will be a giveaway at the end... :D

In other news...

I am less than 20 responses away from 100 for my Is Personality Related to Genre? survey, and once I reach 100 I think I'll have enough people to start analyzing the trends and posting the results! If you are a YA reader who has not yet filled out this survey and can spare a minute of your time to answer a few multiple choice questions, that would be awesome. Just click on the link above to get to the survey.

Recent posts:

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour: Review
Waiting on Wednesday: The Goddess Test and Sirenz

Find the Gap: Setting - this is a series I'm running this month, looking at the gaps in different aspects of YA lit. This week was settings - drop by and join in the discussion!

Sunday Confessions: Bookshelves
In My Mailbox (15)
Rapunzel's Revenge: Review


  1. Freefall sounds interesting by its title. What is it about? I should join the Read Outside your Comfort Zone challenge just because I'm doing a lot of that with school.

  2. I've been wanting to read Freefall, I guess getting a copy would be the first step! :) I like how you're reading out of your comfort zone, sounds like a good challenge.

    Thanks for stopping over at my blog today!

  3. I'm reading Freefall right now too. I'm reading it as part of the Contemps Challenge and same as you its a little outside my comfort zone.

  4. I think I would become very distracted by Nightshade :P Then again, Nightshade is in my comfort zone and Freefall is not.

  5. Hopping through. I've heard good things about Freefall. I should get to it.
    My Hop

  6. Thanks for dropping by!
    I haven't read Free Fall yet, but it does sound interesting, as does Nightshade. I really need to read faster! ;)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. I haven't read it yet, but it looks good! I'll have to check it out. I'm also hosting a giveaway for Delirium on my blog if you want to check it out.

  8. I loved Nightshade! Yeah, I'd have a hard time concentrating on reading much else, if I was still in the middle of Nightshade. Especially if it was something outside my normal favorites.


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