
January 4, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Resolve to Read in 2011

The "Top Ten Tuesday" meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, and this week's topic is books we're resolving to read this year.

I think most of these I don't really need to *resolve* to read, because I'm excited about them :D

1.) Delirium by Lauren Oliver - because I have been looking forward to this one for a while now, especially with all the glowing reviews!

2.) Divergent by Veronica Roth - the premise of this dystopian read sounds amazing. And it'll count toward the 2011 Debut Authors Challenge.

3.) Abandon by Meg Cabot - Aside from the gorgeous cover, I really want to see what Meg Cabot does with the myth of Persephone.

4.) The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab - I've been anticipating this book since before it even had a cover, so definitely excited to finally read it! And another for the Debut Authors Challenge.

5.) Deadly by Julie Chibbaro - One of the books I'm hoping to read for the YA Historical Fiction Challenge I'm participating in. I really like the premise of the protagonist working in a laboratory and trying to stop typhoid fever.

6.) Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien - this is a dystopian YA that didn't get a whole lot of buzz, but I keep seeing positive reviews for it, and the first little bit I read in the bookstore certainly got my attention. Now I want to finish it!

7.) Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis - this one just sounds like so much fun! And I guess it could count for both the Debut Author and YA Historical Fiction Challenges...

8.) The Latte Rebellion by Sarah Jamila Stevenson - I'm hoping to read some more PoC books as part of my "Read Outside Your Comfort Zone" Challenge, and this one has been on my radar for a while now. It sounds a bit different from all the other contemporary YA out there!

9.) Wither by Lauren DeStefano - because you can't have too much dystopian YA! And also because I have heard nothing but good things about this one.

10.) Left Neglected by Lisa Genova - an adult book for my "Read Outside Your Comfort Zone" Challenge. I thought Still Alice was extremely well-written, so I thought I'd try her next book as well.

Also, if I thought I had a hope of finishing it I might resolve to read Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens...but I tried to read it last year and failed rather spectacularly.

What books are you resolving to read in 2011?


  1. "Deadly" sounds intriguing. I'll definitely have to look that one up!

    I've struggled and failed spectacularly with Dickens too. I'm hoping to read at one of his books. Good luck!

  2. I'd never heard of Divergent before, but the cover is beautiful and the story sounds really interesting!
    I can't believe I forgot to add Wither to my list! I NEED to read that one.
    Nice list :)

  3. Delirium and Deadly would be on my list too! The Latte Rebellion looks intriguing, I may have to check it ouy :)

  4. Delirium is so good! And I've heard great things about Birthmarked and Wither!

  5. I've heard of a few of these, but I haven't read them either. I'll have to look up the ones I haven't heard of and possibly put them on my TBR list too.

  6. Still Alice is an all time favourite, Left Neglected is on preorder, can't wait to read it.

    My List

  7. Great picks! I really want to read Divergent, Delirium, and Birthmarked as well! I am on a dystopian kick lol

  8. Your list looks great- and I'm not familiar with most of those! I'll have to check back and get all the titles into my TBR!

  9. I finished Still Alice not that long ago so I'm interested to read Left Neglected. I also really want to read Wither

  10. Great list! I can't wait to read Delirium too, I loved Before I Fall.

  11. There's a couple from my wishlist that I see, including Delirium. For early 2011, I have to get my hands on that book along with Jana Oliver's The Demon Trapper's Daughter and Lisa Cach's Wake Unto Me.

  12. Great list! I loved Whither and Delirium. My picks are up at Debbie's World of Books

  13. A couple of these I'm hoping to read when they are released this year too.

  14. Wither is one of the books I am most looking forward to this year! I'm also really wanting to read Birthmarked - I love dystopian fiction!

  15. I'd only heard of about half of the books on the list, but you pretty much sold me on the rest of them! I hope you get to read all these in 2011!


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