
January 27, 2011

Outside Your Comfort Zone Challenge: Ideas for a Prize?

I know some other bloggers who are hosting challenges provide a prize at the end, to help keep the participants motivated. I thought since this challenge (details and sign-up at the link) really *is* quite a challenge that it would make sense to have some incentive to keep going!

But since there is no one particular genre for this challenge, and everyone's comfort zone is different, there isn't a single book it would make sense to give away. So, what do you think would be a suitable prize? I was thinking perhaps a giftcard or the winner's choice of a book from the Book Depository, so that international participants can enter...but I'm open to suggestions!


  1. I like the idea of a giftcard/ BD book. Maybe if it was a BD choice, it could be a book from a genre that the winner learned they liked during the challenge.

  2. @Stephanie: Thanks, I like that idea! Connects it to the challenge while letting the winner choose :)


I love comments, so post away!