
January 14, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (23)

Yes, that's right...time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is, "Why do you read the genre that you do?  What draws you to it?"

Within YA (which I don't consider a genre so much as a category), my tastes are pretty eclectic. I read some contemporary fiction (especially ones with some kind of intriguing angle outside of the typical 'high school' book), lots of fantasy, dystopian and fairytale retellings, some historical, and even a few mysteries from time to time (particularly ones with some kind of psychological element). And I also read ones that fall into more than one of these genres, like historical mysteries or contemp with a fantastical aspect.

So it might be easier for me to answer the question, "Why do you steer clear of certain genres?" My top two of those would probably be horror and sci-fi, horror because I get queasy at violence and gore and I scare easily (though occasionally I may read a book that's something of a "psychological thriller"), and sci-fi because I have never been that interested in outer space/aliens/robots/what-have-you (the exception to this is books involving time travel, because that is awesome and also falls into the historical genre). Otherwise, I'm drawn to books that sound like they tell an interesting story, and I read so many genres because I find a lot of different types of stories interesting, I guess!

Recent posts on the blog:

Read Outside Your Comfort Zone Challenge: Recommendations?

Waiting on Wednesday: The Double Life of Cora Parry

Talk to Me Tuesday: Series or Stand-alone?

Forget-Me-Nots: Please Remove Your Elbow From My Ear

In My Mailbox (12)

Re-reads and Ratings

Time to hop!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's not into sci-fi. Although I must say I do love a good horror story. Have an awesome Friday and weekend, Danya! :]

  2. Happy Friday, Danya!

    I'm actually really into sci-fi lately, which is surprising! I think I'm becoming more of a geek as I age. I'm really into paranormal right now, and I'm trying to get into contemps :)

  3. Happy Friday! Old follower hopping by:)

  4. I hardly read YA horror. With a few exceptions, I don't really like the gore either. (Cirque Du Freak, however, is one of my favorite series and that's horror!) I'm glad you mentioned the whole YA as a category thing. I don't consider YA a genre per say, either. It's more of a category that encompasses genre's in my book.

  5. I thought I would never read sci-fi, but I've been finding a lot of great YA stories out there with soft sci-fi and dystopian settings.

  6. I love everyone's answers to this question. It's so interesting to see how we all march to a different beat of the drum. But, even when we have similar tastes, our reasons may be different. The variety is wonderful!

  7. Here I am hopping on by...

    I went all over the map with this question on my blog. I read and enjoy almost every genre of fiction out there. There’s no way I could just pick one.

    So I talked about all of them. Even romance fiction (sort of)! I invite you to hop over to my blog at and see for yourself.

    Howard A. Sherman

  8. Just hopping through... and Hi to a fellow Canadian :)

    I too am an avid YA reader and one reason is that I have teens in the house so it's a great conversation topic, but deep down it's because it's so easy to lose yourself (or escape) in the fantastic worlds that our YA authors create today.

    Michelle from PIneapples & Pyjamas

  9. Just hopping by! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Reading Lark's Hop Post

  10. Hopping through. I mostly read YA. I'm not a big sci fi fan either, although I feel like I could be if I found the right book. I do like Orson Scott Card.
    My Hop

  11. lol, I'm like you. It's probably a lot easier to list the genres I DON'T read since it would be so few although I'd still include sci-fi and horror books as ones I like to read... :)

    I hope you've been enjoying your weekend!!

  12. Hopping by to say thanks for visiting my blog! I am a huge YA fan as well, especially fantasy and dystopian =)



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