
December 6, 2010

YA Historical Fiction Challenge

Stephanie from Books Are A Girl's Best Friend is hosting a YA Historical Fiction Challenge for 2011. I often enjoy YA historical novels so I'm signing up! The details are here.

Some of the books I'm hoping to read for the challenge include:

Deadly by Julie Chibbaro
In the Shadow of the Lamp by Susanne Dunlap
Wrapped by Jennifer Bradbury
Dark Mirror by M. J. Putney
The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell
Contagion by Joanne Dahme
Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriott

I think I will start out pretty easy and pick the "Fascinated" level (5 books) although who knows, I may well get to 10 or more...


  1. This looks like such a fun challenge! I find myself trying to avoid challenges these days (unfortunately), simply because I don't have the time haha have fun though, Danya! :)

  2. Thank you so much for signing up and posting about the challenge Danya! I'm so glad you're joining in :) I've only read In The Shadow Of The Lamp out of the books you've chosen but I really want to read Contagion and I have heard of the others. I have to admit I haven't read any of Susanne Dunlap's books before but I her books sounded like I would love them when I discovered her a few weeks ago.

    I really hope you have fun participating- I'm looking forward to reading your reviews!

  3. Is there 2 of these YA Historical fiction challenges going on? I'm thinking of joining but I remember seeing another one on another blog.

  4. Jenny, yes there are 2 challenges being held because mine was posted a few hours later than at YA Bliss' even though we thought of them independantly. I've decided to keep my challenge running and open to new participants but not spread the word about it myself to be fair to to the other blogger. However, I am thinking of holding another YA historical fiction event later in the year :)


I love comments, so post away!