
December 29, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday: Putting Makeup on Dead People

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

This week's pick:

Putting Makeup on Dead People by Jennifer Violi

Goodreads' description:

"It's been four years since Donna Parisi's father passed away, but it might as well have been four days. Donna makes conversation and goes through the motion, but she hasn't really gotten on with life. She's not close with anyone, she doesn't have a boyfriend and she's going to college at the local university with a major that her mother picked. But one day Donna has an epiphany. She wants to work with dead people. She wants to help people say goodbye and she wants to learn to love a whole person—body and soul. She wants to live her life and be loving, at grieving and at embalming and cremating,too. Even as she makes the decision, things start to change. Donna makes friends with the charismatic new student, Liz. She notices the boy, Charlie, at her table and realizes that maybe he's been noticing her, too. And she begins to forgive the rest of her family for living their lives while she's been busy moping.

Jennifer Violi's gentle, moving story of a girl who finds a life in the midst of death will appeal to any reader who's felt stuck and found inspiration in an unexpected place."

I really like the sound of this one because it's so *different* from everything else out there. For one thing, she's at college - yay! There are far too few books with college-aged protagonists. Secondly, she wants to work with dead people. How can you not want to read this book? It sounds so quirky!

What books are you waiting on?


  1. The title of this book caught my attention from google reader! You're right, this does sound different and interesting, too!

  2. I love the sound of this book and totally agree that we need more college-aged protagonists.

  3. This is such a great pick. I'm so glad I read your post on it - I probably wouldn't have seen this book otherwise. Donna sounds a lot like me, only that my father has been gone for 8 years, not 4, and I'm still stumbling around in life. Maybe this is a sign that I should get into embalming/cremating. :P Anyway, thank you for your pick! ♥

  4. This sounds so different and out of the box! I'm definitely adding this to my list. Great choice, Danya! :)

  5. Oh, this one sounds very unique...I love that cover, too.

    Here's mine:

    (click on my name)

  6. O.o I've never heard of this book but it sounds good! Contemporary but with a storyline that still looks quite unique... I'm adding it to my Goodreads shelf now!! :)

  7. Wow! This does sound really original! Awesome pick -- you're so right, there need to be more college age protagonists out there!

  8. Nice choice Danya! I haven't heard of this one, but I agree, there are way too few college age protagonists! I hope they keep that cover, I really like it:)

  9. This one sounds really unusual- the title is a little creepy!

    Yay- you got Malory Towers! I've read the whole series about twice now and I loved them. They're very typical old fasioned boarding school with lots of midnight feasts and pranks on the teachers. When I was about 8, I really wanted to go to the school. It's been about 2 years since I read the series so it would be interesting to see if what I think about them has changed. but I want to read them again now. I'm really glad you've got them ( your library seems to have some fantastic bargains on old stock they are selling) and I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on them :)


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