
December 19, 2010

In My Mailbox (11)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library.

I had an awesome mailbox week!


Matched by Ally Condie - from Books in the Spotlight (thanks so much!) I was really excited to read this one, and have already posted my review here. So happy that I have my own shiny hardcover copy of it :D

Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings by Helene Boudreau - from a Twitter contest (thanks Helene!)

From the library:

Pegasus by Robin McKinley

Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford


  1. Oooh, I have Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings on order from the library! It's taking forever to come to me. I'll be looking forward to your review!

    I also have Pegasus from the library. I'll be interested in seeing how our reviews compare.

  2. Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings looks interesting, I'll have to check it out. I love the cover of Pegasus and I've seen some good reviews of it so it will be nice to read your thoughts on it.

    I hope you get some of the books from your All I Want For Christmas... posts too! Thank you for holding the feature, it's a lovely idea and one I hope to see back next year :)

  3. Can't help but comment on the fact that your library puts their barcodes on the front in the middle of the book--even over the title! (I'm a librarian.) That's just strange, isn't it?

    Great week, by the way!

  4. @Annette: I know, I have no idea why they do that but it is annoying, especially when it obscures the title or an important part of the image (they seem especially fond of placing it over the character's face, for instance.)

  5. Ha, I'm cringing over those barcodes now that you mention it! The people over at the main branch who put the stickers on our books/dvds are terrible with this. Invariably every movie has the big "Library's Name" sticker right smack over the faces of the actors. I'm always flipping the jackets so the faces aren't covered anymore.

  6. As usual, a fabulous mailbox! I hope you enjoy Matched =) Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings sounds so cute -- and reminds me of your hilarious Twitter puns! =) And now I know what was up with the puns! Lol!

  7. I've been seeing the Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings cover around and it looks pretty cute. I'm looking forward to your review for it and Pegasus.

  8. I have heard really great things about Matched and Pegasus. Enjoy all of your books!

  9. @Casey: Haha, yep, that's why I had all those #realmermaids puns going on :D

  10. Brilliant mailbox, Danya! I've yet to read Matched, but it's on my shelf...ready to go! Enjoy :)

  11. I hope to read matched soon and I just love the cover for Pegasus. Happy reading!


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