
October 17, 2010

In My Mailbox (3)

In this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, we share the books we've received, bought or taken out from the library. I actually got something this week in my physical mailbox!

Won from Bella's Bookshelves (thanks Steph!): Plain Kate by Erin Bow

And from the library:

I Now Pronounce You Someone Else by Erin McMahan
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Other by Karen Kincy

The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller
Darklight by Lesley Livingston
Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus

So a pretty good haul this week!!


  1. wow! what a fantastic library haul. enjoy your books and have a great week :)

  2. Love your selections this week! Darklight is supposed to be really good! Great post! My IMM is here:

  3. OOOooooh - your library has some awesome books! Leviathan looks great and I Now Pronounce You Someone Else looks like such a cute relaxing read. I hope you enjoy them!

  4. Great hail indeed!
    I really want to read Darklight, and Shadow Hills. Can't wait for the reveiws!!

  5. Very good haul this week. I loved Leviathan (I have Behemoth for this week!) and I seem to be the only person on the planet who didn't like The Eternal Ones (I hope you enjoy it - most everyone did).
    Great Books! Megan @ Read It, See It

  6. AWESOME mailbox!!! I literally want to read every single one of those. I hope you enjoy your many new reads!

  7. Lots of books to keep you busy this week! Happy reading!! :)

  8. You've got an great mailbox this week! There's quite a few newly released/talked about books there. I wish my library was as good as that, it's only small and there's often not a lot of choice.
    I liked your Plain Kate review and the way it is broken down for the 'nutshell' style. Here the publishers decided to change the name to Wod Angel so it didn't sound like a plain girl dressing up for prom. I like the new name and cover but the reason is a little bit silly. I love the UK cover though!

  9. Oooh lots of good loot. I'm about to start on The Eternal Ones. Really looking forward to it!

  10. Hey Danya,

    No problem! Thanks for reading the blog. I hope you enjoy it! That book has really stuck with me. Curious to read what you think of Leviathan and The Eternal Ones. I'm waffling back and forth on the last one.


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