
October 29, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (15)

It's time again for the Book Blogger Hop! This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is, "What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"

Ooooh tough question... I'd love a large library devoted to books, containing all the necessary amenities — comfortable sofas and cushy chairs, a curtained windowseat, and a bell to ring for maid service. I could stay in there all day, and that would suit me just fine :D
Recent posts on the blog:

The Tension of Opposites: Review
All I Want For Christmas Is... (3) — Join up with books you'd like for Christmas!
YA Love Triangle Week Reminder
Waiting on Wednesday: Abandon and Lost Voices
Top Ten Tuesday: Creepy Books

Now it's hopping time!


  1. Hello! I'm hopping by from the blogger hop. I saw The High King on your favorites shelf so now I'm a follower. The chronicles of Prydain are still some of my all-time favorites.
    susan at Reading World

  2. The maid service bell is a nice touch! :]

    Have a great weekend, Danya!

  3. My answer is similar to yours but I love the maid service touch.

    Hope you enjoy your weeknd! :)

  4. I love window seats! I've never actually had one myself, but my aunt did once, and it was so cool! :) Lol.

  5. We have very similar ideas :) I especially like the maid service!

  6. Oooh, forgot to add the maid service!

  7. That sounds like a perfect room to me. :)

    my blog

  8. Ooh I love the idea of a bell to ring for service. More white chocolate mocha please! Oh, and a slice of cake while you're at it! hehe

  9. Just hoppin' on by to say "Hi!" Oooo...maid service...good add!
    Have a fangtastic Halloween!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my hop! A library seems like a popular answer but what can anyone expect? We're all crazy bookies around here! Have an awesome weekend!

  11. A bell to ring for maid service while reading would be extremely cool!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  12. Hello...saying hello late from the blog hop. :)

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer to the question of the week and for some good reviews.


I love comments, so post away!