
October 8, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (12)

So, it's Friday, and you know what that means...


This awesome meme is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and this week's question is, "What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?"

Hmmm...well I'm drinking tea right now! When reading, though, I usually don't drink anything. Not sure why, maybe because I'm worried about spillage.

Hopping time!


  1. Hoppin' on by <3 I'm a new follower <3

    I don't normally drink while I read, because I worry about spills too! But when I review, I must, must, MUST have a cold glass of Very Vanilla Soymilk. It's weird, but I can't write a review without it! :P

    Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer. <3

  2. I don't tend to read while I'm reading or blogging... Don't know why!

  3. Good point. I'd hate to spill anything on my books. Especially my new Kobo... who knows what that would do?

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I enjoy a col;d Dr. Pepper or hot chocolate while reading or blogging!! I am a follower come check out my blog and follow me

  5. Happy Friday, Danya! And in answer to your question on my blog...the amount of caffeine I consume doesn't hinder my sleep at all haha I work out too much :)

  6. Happy HOP! I drink loads of water and then switch over to diet soda at night for that little extrakick to stay awake longer. Hope you have a fun weekend!

    Hop on over and visit my blog :D

  7. hey danya! haha, my fellow canadian, and also fellow BC-er ;) thanks for stopping by my blog, i'm following you back! hope you're doing better than this dreary weather right now :p

  8. Tea is always good. But I always seem to have coffee more readily available than tea.

    Have a great weekend, Danya! :]

  9. I haven't tried chai which is odd since I used to make it all the time working in the bookstore cafe. Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  10. I don't tend to drink whilst I'm reading either but sometimes I'll have a glass of peach squash whilst I'm blogging :)

    I hope my P and P review gave justice to how brilliant the book is!I'm sure they must hold regency style balls somewhere, I'll have to find out. Yes, from what I've seen so far of the 1995 BBC adaptation it is more faithful to the book than the others which is what I love about it and I love Firth as Mr Darcy too. I might be quoting too in a couple of yeaars time, I'm planning on getting a copy of the DVD box set for myself :D

  11. Also, I just noticed that you have a lovely favicon, is it new or did I just not noticed it before? I tried to get one for my blog but it didn't work :(

  12. Yah I'm not sure I can read without a drink! hahahaha, but i see what you mean, i'm super carefull about not getting my books dirty or bent up.
    Just hoping by, following and saying hi.
    If you have any scary or paranormal reviews, intereviews, or giveaways, then make sure to stop by my site and add them (anytime this month) to my Giving me the Creeps October page. I'm hoping to spread the word on some blogs and share the scary all month long!

  13. Yay alanna fans! Tamora pierce is totally why I started going back to YA in my late twenties, i love that woman! and I see you're a fellow Canuck as well! Yay and happy thanksgiving!

  14. Iced tea is my favorite drink of all time and I usually have a cup of it while I'm reading :)

  15. Hopping by to say I hope you have a great week!


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