
September 22, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday: The Near Witch & You Against Me

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

My picks for this week:

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab

(Sorry, no cover yet.)

Goodreads' description:

"There’s an old ghost story in the town of Near. It tells of a Witch that lived on the edge of the village, and gobbled up all the darkness, and sang the hills to sleep, and loved the children almost as much as the garden she kept beside her house.

Sixteen-year-old Lexi Harris has heard the stories her entire life, first from her father, and then from old Magda and Dreska Thorne, the two Witches who live on the edge of Near. Everyone loves to tell the story, but everyone knows a different ending. Some say that the Near Witch blew away on a gust of wind. Others tell of darker things.

To Lexi, they’ve always been stories, nothing more. But when a strange and silent boy walks into the village of Near, and then the wind begins to lure children from their beds at night, she starts to wonder if there’s any truth in the tales. Why are the children vanishing? Who is the newcomer? And could the Near Witch be more than a ghost story?"

This one sounds like a mix between a ghost story and a fairytale...creepy but enticing! Also I love this line: "It tells of a Witch that lived on the edge of the village, and gobbled up all the darkness, and sang the hills to sleep, and loved the children almost as much as the garden she kept beside her house." Sounds poetic and folklore-y!

You Against Me by Jenny Downham

Goodreads' description:

"If someone hurts your sister and you're any kind of man, you seek revenge, right? If your brother's been accused of a terrible crime and you're the main witness, then you banish all doubt and defend him. Isn't that what families do? When Mikey's sister claims a boy assaulted her at a party, his world of work and girls begins to fall apart. When Ellie's brother is charged with the crime, but says he didn't do it, her world of revision, exams and fitting in at a new school begins to unravel. When Mikey and Ellie meet, two worlds collide. Brave and unflinching, this is a novel of extraordinary skillfulness and almost unbearable tension. It's a book about loyalty and the choices that come with it. But above all it's a book about love - for one's family and for another."

I like that there's an idea of torn loyalties in this one...sounds emotionally grabbing. 

What books are you waiting on?


  1. You Against Me sounds really good. Going to add it to my TBR list. Thanks for sharing. :]

  2. I like the sound of You Against Me, seeing the little spotlight picture of Before I Die reminded me that I need to get round to reading it.

  3. The both look great but I really like the sound of Near Witch. I can't wait to see what the cover will look like!

  4. You against me sounds very emotional...

  5. Both sound great - I already have The Near Witch on my wishlist, will definitely be checking it out :)

  6. Thank you so much for having THE NEAR WITCH on your WOW post. It made my afternoon :) I can't wait to be able to share the cover soon (I have seen it, and dying to show)!


  7. You against Me, sounds great, will look out for that one.

    My WoW post.

  8. ooohh, you against me looks and sounds intense. i've never heard of this book before. great pick :)


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