
September 3, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (7)

So, once again let's hop! This fabulous meme is hosted by Crazy For Books, and this week's question is: Do you judge a book by its cover?

Yes, I'm sorry to say that I do. If a cover's gorgeous and enticing, I'm more likely to pick it up and check out the description. If I'm not interested in the blurb, then ultimately I don't care if it has a fancy cover, but it does influence whether or not I take a closer look.

What about you?


  1. I'm a bit of a cover slut haha I was always look at the cover first. That said, it's not necessarily the deciding factor :)

  2. I completely agree. Although I may also pick up a disaster of a cover, just to see how far the train wreck goes!

  3. Yes, I have to agree. A nice cover will certainly entice me... but after that, there has to be some substance to the book.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hey! Thank you for stopping by my blog - hope you'll come back again :D
    I'm now following and will definitely be back!

  5. There are just too many gorgeous covers to not get drawn into them. Excited new follower. Shari over at

  6. I'm an old follower just hopping by. I also judge a book by its cover and more likely to buy it if it has a good blurb to match.

    Have an awesome weekend and check out my giveaway!

    My Hop

  7. Hi, hopping by! I'm a follower :) Covers mean a lot to me, but I don't usually avoid books just because their covers are ugly. However, if it's a cover that I might be a little embarrassed carrying around, it'll take a lot to make me read the book.

  8. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    I'm a new follower. :)

  9. Just stopping by from the hop! thanks for visiting my site! I'm a new follower! I see you are also participating in the September Spectacular... fun times! :)

  10. Hey, Danya! I always look forward to reading your comments. They're always the loveliest! Your blog is looking good, (as usual), so I'm gonna hop about your posts and try to catch up with you.

    xx Tina.

    (BTW, I've added you to my blog list...just cause you have a wonderful blog! ;)

  11. Absolutely! That's exactly what I do, but, even though the cover is ugly, I'd still read the blurb.
    Happy Friday!


  12. Yes I do judge a book by its cover...most of the time it turns out for the best. :)

    Hopping by.

    Stop back at my blog if you like:

  13. Hi, just found you through the Hop! I also, apologetically, judge books on their covers... just a little. I'm glad I found your blog this week though, I'm one of your newest followers. Feel free to stop by my blog in your spare time,

    Have a great long weekend,
    Ms. C


I love comments, so post away!