
August 31, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday: When Rose Wakes and Living Backwards

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and features books that we just can't wait to get our hands on!

Picks for this week:

When Rose Wakes by Christopher Golden

Amazon's description:

"Her terrifying dreams are nothing compared to the all-too-real nightmare that awaits. . . .Ever since sixteen-year-old Rose DuBois woke up from months in a coma with absolutely no memories, she’s had to start from scratch. She knows she loves her two aunts who take care of her, and that they all used to live in France, but everything else from her life before is a blank. Rose tries to push through the memory gaps and start her new life, attending high school and living in Boston with her aunts, who have seriously old world ideas. Especially when it comes to boys. But despite their seemingly irrational fears and odd superstitions, they insist Rose not worry about the eerie dreams she’s having, vivid nightmares that she comes to realize are strangely like the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. The evil witch, the friendly fairies, a curse that puts an entire town to sleep—Rose relives the frightening story every night. And when a mysterious raven-haired woman starts following her, Rose begins to wonder if she is the dormant princess. And now that she’s awake, she’s in terrible, terrible danger. . . ."

Some of my favorite books are fairytale retellings and this one sounds intriguing! I like the concept of her waking up and gradually realizing the situation without having any background for it. I haven't read much by Christopher Golden, though I have read Poison Ink, which I thought was okay but not phenomenal. Also I love the gorgeous colors in this cover!

Living Backwards by Cyn Balog (sorry, no cover yet)

Goodreads' description: "Nick Cross is not like other fifteen-year-olds. All of his life, he has been able to remember things before they happen. He lives every day walking on glass. One unexpected move can send his future spiraling out of control. One day, he makes a small mistake that causes a horrific tragedy and sets in motion a new chain of events. Suddenly, he can’t remember anything past his sixteenth birthday. Is that because he has no future?"

I quite enjoyed Balog's Sleepless and this sounds like a fresh take on psychic powers! Long wait though, right now it's scheduled for 2012.

What books are you waiting on?


  1. I am always up for a story that has a fairy tale involved. This sound as you said intriguing. Great pick. I will be on the look out for this, but what a wait!

  2. I like the sound of When Rose Wakes, I haven't read any fariy tale re-tellings yet but this one sounds interesting and I love the colours in the cover too. Thanks!

  3. I'm waiting for Nancy Pearl's new book, a list of wonderful travel books. It won't be out until October. And I finally went out and bought Mockingjay last weekend...just could not wait for the library.

  4. When Rose Wakes sounds kind of like a suspense story. I haven't heard of it before. I've been meaning to read Balog's Sleepless. Thanks.

  5. Loved your review of Sleepless by the way. Now I really want to read it because I want to know if I feel the same way about the conclusion! Thanks for a thorough exploration of the story.

  6. oh I hadn't come across When Rose Wakes before! I have a love for fairy tale-type books too so def will be looking out for this :)

  7. YOu recommended some great books I hadn't heard of before. I love the blurb for When Rose Wakes and I'd like to learn more about it. Hope you enjoy your day.

    Here's my WOW

  8. Love the sounds of When Rose Wakes :)
    Hope you enjoy it!

  9. They sound good...hope you enjoy them.

    Here's what I found:

  10. Ooh When Rose Wakes sounds interesting! Nice pick. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  11. They both sound interesting! Particularly Living Backwards - very intriguing concept. The summary makes me want to know what happens! :P. Great picks :).

  12. Oh awesome pick! I've never heard of this one! :)

  13. Both your picks look great. I've never seen either of them before but I'm adding both to my Goodreads wishlist! Thanks for sharing!

    This is my WoW pick.

  14. When Rose Wakes sounds fantastic, I've added it to my wishlist so I don't forget about it!

  15. I really like the cover! I think I might read this one- I've never heard of it though.

  16. These both sound great & I love fairytale retellings!

    Our pick is at BookSake.

  17. Thanks for stopping by blog. I've never heard of When Rose Wakes. I'm writing this one down. It sounds really good and I wish I could crawl into the cover. It's really pretty. I haven't read Sleepless list. But I have on hold at the library!

  18. Sounds like some good reading coming up! Have a great week.
    Joy at Books and Life

  19. I'll have to add When Rose Wakes by Christopher Golden to my TBR list. It sounds great!

  20. Ooh, great pick! This one is going on my TBR list right now :)


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