
August 20, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (5)

Once again it's Friday and time for the hop! This fabulous meme is hosted by Crazy For Books, and this week's question is: How many blogs do you follow?

I follow about 100 blogs, and I keep an eye out for updates so when there's a post I'm interested in, then I'll visit that blog. My list of blogs I'm following just keeps growing and growing though!

Time for hopping!


  1. I'm a bit worried I'll soon be following 100 blogs. I hope I don't lose Internet access any time soon as my GoogleReader would explode!

  2. Mine is growing too, and will be growing even more now that I'm trying out this blog hop.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I'm going to look around here for a bit!

  4. Your newest follower from the blog hop. Blessings to you!

  5. You have a great blog here! I just started following you :)

  6. Wow, 100! I'm not up there yet, but I'm sure I will be. ;) I find a lot of neat blogs through the hop, which is why I love participating.

    Happy Friday!

  7. I am already a follower just wanted to wish you an awesome weekend and happy reading!

  8. hey!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's my first week at doing the Hop and I've discovered so many other fantastic blogs out there! :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by! I'm now a new follower.

  10. Hey Danya! Thanks for dropping by my blog, and reading my Hunger Games review - I'm glad you liked it. It was hilarious - the teacher probably hates me now. ><

    Going off to read some of your reviews...and following of course!

    Thanks for the post and happy reading!

    ●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬▬▬●

  11. Hi there! This is a "hop back" of sorts...thanks for hopping by my site! Nice place you have here...
    Have a great weekend...and happy reading!

  12. Hi Danya. Hmm...nice observation you made there; many co-authored books seem to be from alternating first person perspectives (multiple narrators) - I guess that's a way of making the book flow better. The two books I listed were both alternating first person narrations as well.

    I'll have to read "Sorcery & Cecelia" with your recommendation. Any chance that you've got a review on that?

    The third person shifting focus narration is what many individual authors tend to also do quite well. I guess that coherency could also be obtained that way.

    You're definitely right - the structure has a major affect. It seems to me that the best ones are alternating 1st persons, otherwise, there could be difficulties when both authors have a different perspective on the story they're trying to write together.

    Tina ^-^

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Psychology is really helpful for Creative Writing. I'll hopefully finish my degree this winter.

    Now following. I love your blogs background. It is so dynamic.

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Ya i can't believe I follow that many either.

  15. Hello...hopping by and following too!

    I know the feeling- mylist keeps getting longer and LONGER!

    I'm also hosting a giveaway atm if you're interested!
    Paper, Pens & Lipgloss..

  16. Great site. I'll be hopping back now I'm a follower. Enjoy your weekend :D

    Come by when you have time

  17. It can get hard to keep up after a while! Thank you for visiting my blog the other day though! :) I think you were my 200th follower!


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