
August 28, 2010


I'm so honored to have received the One Lovely Blog award from Alissa at The Grammarian's Reviews, Amber at Down The Rabbit Hole, and Kelli & Natalie at I'd So Rather Be Reading, and the Summer Blogger Award from Missy at Missy's Reads and Reviews. Thanks so much to all of you!!


1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

So, this award gets passed on to the following great blogs I've recently discovered:

Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing
Tea Mouse
Under a Star Studded Sky
Cornucopia of Reviews
Book Hooked Blog
I Swim For Oceans
One Big Adventure
Brooke's Box of Books
The Book Girl
Confessions of the Un-published
Debbie's World of Books
Books in the Spotlight
The Library Lurker
A Reader's Ramblings
The Fiction Enthusiast

The rules are simple: thank the person who gave it to you with a link back in your post, and send this on to fellow bloggers who rock this summer. List 4 rocking bloggers to share this with, and post a note to them through their comments.

This one I'm passing on to:

Musings of a Reader Happy
Consumed By Books
The Bookish Type
Erika Breathes Books

Apologies if any of these are a repeat! Happy blogging :)


  1. Thanks so much! Congrats on your awards!

  2. Congrats, Danya! They're all absolutely deserved. :)

  3. Thanks for the award, Danya!!!!

  4. Congratulations and thank you so much for the award! I already follow your blog, and I love it!

  5. Hi, Danya!

    Thanks so much for this award! :)

  6. Thank you so much. I feel really flattered.

  7. Congrats on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. I already follow your blog and I look forward to reading it. :)

  8. Thank you so much and Congratulations!

  9. Thanks so much! Congrats on both your awards, and I love your blog background :)

  10. Aww thank you so much, Danya! I'm honored =) Congrats on your awards!


I love comments, so post away!